Add "Back" step in "Flow Builder"


Feature Request Summary: 

I would like to add a "Go back" step to "Flow Builder".

Description/Use Cases: 

Currently the "Flow Builder" does not allow to "go back to the beginning" until the end of the flow.
If a customer is in the middle of a "messaging" guide and the information is not what they want, they want to go back to the beginning of the flow immediately.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

If customers can't find the information they want in messaging, they will feel stressed and leave.
Or it leads to a never-ending volume of inquiry tickets.





ZD just launched a 'Fallback' feature to the bot, I have been trying it but it does not work properly and does not do what it is supposed to, it does not take customers back to the initial menu and it does not recognise when something that is not in the flows is typed in, in fact, it is making the experience even more frustrating so I will not be using this new functionality, now I ask, WHY waste time creating something that is frustrating to us instead of simply listening to your customers and add the 'back' bottom, as the comment above, as my previous comment here months ago and many others for the past year, it is mind-blowing the lack of customer focus and adapting to your customer's needs.

If creating the BACK bottom or the Restart bottom is so difficult can you PLEASE at least add the ability to add 'training' questions' to this new FALLBACK function so at least we can train the bot to recognise words and sentences such as: back, go back, return to menu, back to start, restart and so on, so when customers type those it will at least take them to where you need them to be instead of giving them random flows


Ironically, the exact feature is already available for the bot, but only as an addon from an external service provider, which of course you have to pay for again. 

Zendesk would just have to replicate that functionality. :-)


we were reviewing this tool for our clients and we loved it but when we found this usability bug where users can't go back one step or go to the initial menu we were forced to give up on the tool.


Status update please?


please Zendesk, stop losing customers unnecessarily over something as simple as this.
Does the brand want to be #1? Are they really interested in being #1 in the market? Details like these make them lose ground to the competition. It's been over a year now and they don't give a solution.
Put a solution date please!
I can assure you that I am already embarrassed to explain to my prospects the inexplicability of this more than strange way of not being able to restart the flow.


It has been almost a year since I submitted my request and I am very distrustful of whether they are trying to take action or pretend it never happened.



lack of this feature is taking away all the functionality of the bot - can you please share when a BACK button will be added?


@jorge this is . But they stopped using the bot as it seems.


Todas las implantaciones prometidas son tan lentas como esta del botón atrás?

Todos lo estamos pidiendo.....


Lisa Tam Is there any way for us to build this ourselves? It seems that there is no planning at Zendesk to implement the topic.


Has there been any update or ETA on this?


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Harper Dane

Zendesk Luminary

Lisa Tam

We have some updates coming next year (H1) to help end users locate the answers to their problems quicker by typing in a new question and the bot will locate the right topic so the user will no longer be stuck in the middle of the flow.

I appreciate what your team was trying to do here, but unfortunately this doesn't solve the problem.

End Users don't know that "Zendesk now allows you to type a new question" — and even if they did, they frequently type long or confusing phrases. As an admin, I could work for a thousand years on keywording for all those scenarios, and still never see the end of keyword-based "AI training," such as it is.

Your product isn't using NLP, so relying on freeform text entry from End Users is simply never going to result in a great experience.

Zendesk customers still need the ability to add a persistent "Go Back" option, where End Users can start over and select from button options instead of typing.

If anything, we need to prevent End Users from typing into the widget. Not more ways to encourage frustrating free-entry misinterpretations.


Would also love an ETA on this!

Thank you.


Zendesk Zendesk Team Zendesk Devs
An ETA would be great. This bot creates a horrible experience for the end user. It needs to have:

  • Go back a step
  • Go back to the beginning
  • Search the entire help center
  • They need to be able to close out that search, especially when they submit a request. It should not stay open and prevent them from doing new searches to help themselves.

This is basic bot stuff. We pay a lot for a feature that is not functional. To spend thousands more for a functional product is disappointing. Zendesk promotes trying to help people be the best in Customer Service but is failing to provide us with the tools to do this and are not listening to their own customer's needs. 


This is not acceptable for high-engagement businesses where end users might need help on multiple different topics throughout a day. Not only does it ruin the user experience, but also our ability to categorize tickets per topic which is fundamentally important.


You have the ability to manage multiple conversations in your own live chat but you don't want to give it to your customers? This is bizarre and unacceptable and it's forcing us to reconsider implementing Zendesk as this behavior does not inspire trust.


¿Pero no van a hacer caso a los que pagamos?

Estoy de acuerdo con #Kate Horner.

Yo me estoy planteando cambiar de CRM, no hacéis caso y esto se está pidiendo desde hace siglos ya.

Vaya rapidez la vuestra.... Casi 2 años ya


Agree with all the sentiment here, this is crazy it hasn't been prioritized.  This and time based triggers to prompt a message to restart the bot should be table stakes especially if this is a core part of the Product.

Zendesk proving they are not enterprise-grade by not only continuing to deprioritize this, but also other critical functionality gaps (e.g. can't report on missed chat data with Omnichannel routing, basic metrics missing in Explore).


Estoy de acuerdo de que es necesario:

el botón de reinicio: Vaya todo el camino de regreso al saludo inicial. El botón puede decir cualquier cosa, desde "Empezar de nuevo", "Empezar de nuevo", "Nuevo tema". Deberíamos poder colocar y tener control total sobre dónde va este botón, ya que ciertos flujos pueden diferir de otros. 

Botón Atrás: solo retrocede un paso. Nuevamente, necesitamos un control total sobre dónde se coloca esto, ya que no habrá un cierto flujo que necesita para ajustar dónde está. 

Antes funcionaba colocar HOLA o REINICIAR y el cliente podía volver al menú principal y era super necesario.
Ahora ninguna de esas palabras funcionan y el cliente nos envía las pantallas de que el bot no funciona. 


Does this mean that this article is the final answer from Zendesk?

Q: Do we have a back step or start new inquiry yet in Messaging? 

A: Not at this time, however we do have the ability to clear the widget cache which would result in the widget starting over if the page is closed and reopened


Don't you realize that you are letting our users down?

Must we make our customers go through the trouble of reopening their browsers in an analog way?
I am ashamed to ask you to do such a thing.


I agree with Abdallah Abuelezz I don't understand that this feature is already available for Zendesk own service and not for the service for their customer.  At first, I thought it was a great CRM however since we have subscribed, I found a lot of limitation and this one really does not make sens.


Hello, is it possible to have any ETA or visibility regarding this request? We are all waiting for several years now. 


Since this thread started claiming the action to go back or go back to the beginning; Humanity discovered life on Mars, AI is about to make Sarah Connor's deepest fears come true, Swiss and US banks went bankrupt, Twitter was sold, humanity suffered and overcame the Covid-19 pandemic, Argentina emerged world champion (but it does not lower its annual inflation)... what else has to happen for humanity to have the improvement in the zendesk bot? Please....

A little humor, please don't take it the wrong way. There are many of us waiting for this patch and we have been waiting for a looooong time...


What is the plug-in that was illustrated at the top that requires a paid add-on?  I have not been able to find it.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jeffrey, can you share a screenshot of the add-on you're referring to just so I'm on the same page?


Brett Bowser

At the very top of this thread is a post with a screenshot from laura abraham.  The post says there's an add-on that allows this functionality.  See screenshot attached here.


Would it be possible to get an update on the feature above.

many thanks


Is there any update on this feature yet? Is it even on the Zendesk roadmap? We lauchned the Chatbot and receive a great amount of "go back to the beginning" entries of customers as apparently they are used do from other chats. I myself have tried many chats from competitors and its just so much easier and less frustrating when there is this option. So could you please tell us if you are planning to implement this feature? Brett Bowser Could you give us the name of the Addon? Thank you very much!


I agree, this would be a great feature to add for customers to have agency over their messaging experience. 

It would be helpful to provide the customer with an option to either start fresh with a new ticket, or continue with the existing messaging. While testing, I have found it annoying that there is no easy way to go back to the original flow options. The only way I am presented with options is by asking a question, but that means I miss all the provided options from the flow and am limited to only what comes up based on my question.

I think this is a limitation with messaging in general because I may want to continue with my existing message, but I may also just want to start over and giving the customer the agency to do this would provide a better customer experience.


Brett Bowser were you able to find the add-on that Jeffrey mentioned on 6/22? This is a crucial feature that I would like to implement and it would be helpful to know what the third-party add on is so we can use this in the meantime. 



