

Focus mode for active Messaging and Talk users



Feature Request Summary: 

A focus mode to apply to Messaging and Talk, for the purpose of allowing agents who work with both (Messaging live conversations via AB routing) to be routed either option when they're already addressing one of these things (a call or a active messaging ticket).

Description/Use Cases: 

Agent has Talk and Messaging active, but is unable to keep up with having a live Talk call, whilst also addressing a picked up live Messaging conversation. When either Talk or Messaging is actively being used by the agent, it would be great to have a focus system which doesn't push the other option through for the agent to answer so they can stay focused.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

When Talk calls and live Messaging is routed, many agents struggle to answer both whilst maintaining a good level of service to each customer concerned.




Focus mode already does this.


However, I have found that it can sometimes think an agent is still in a Messaging conversation after finishing the chat. Does anyone know how that can be fixed?


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Prakruti Hindia

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for responding Shaun.

The focus mode capability is applicable for live chat and calls. We do plan to extend it to messaging conversations. It is part of our this year's roadmap. 




Thanks Prakruit, can you provide a rough estimate of when we can expect to see a focus mode that works with calls and live messaging tickets?


Looking forward to this with messaging and talk. that would be super helpful for us. Thank you for putting it on the roadmap.


Prakruti Hindia We had been under the impression that omnichannel routing would restore the functionality of focus mode but this doesn't appear to be the case.

I'd like an update on this please - we were forced to move to messaging and lost functionality of focus mode as a result. We dealt with it for a few months with the understanding the Omnichannel would address this. But now Omnichannel is live and it hasn't been addressed.  This seems to be a major over-sight. Please advise of when we can expect this functionality to return.


+1 Focus mode for messaging and Talk is essential 


I care less about phone calls interrupting messaging sessions and more for the other way around. That is if an agent is on a call, getting interrupted by conversation alerts is quite disruptive and causes audio drop-offs that the customer can hear when the alert noise plays (like when you hear someone's call-waiting on the other end of a call). Our need is a way to have it so when the agents are on a call that they become ineligible for new messaging conversation notifications. Once they finish wrap-up, blast them, but leave them be when they're on a call. Is anything like this, specifically, on the roadmap?


Agreed Nickolas Burger - the audio is disruptive and causes issues when on call.


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Sean Chuang

Zendesk Product Manager


I want to give the community an update from Talk's perspective. At this time, focus mode is avail on native Talk + Chat routing. For our customers on Omnichannel Routing, focus mode is not currently avail but it is on OCR's H1 2024 roadmap.



What about those who aren’t using omnichannel because the omnichannel issues made it impractical? (First person online getting flooded with messaging tickets from overnight is an absolute deal breaker for us.) We just want focus mode to work for messaging and talk the way it used to work for chat and talk. Not sure why this has taken over a year to implement. It already doesn’t route calls when you have a message conversation but it will make calls back up in queue when you’re done the message conversation and doesn’t route them to the agent unless the agent goes offline for awhile or clears cache.


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Aaron Starling

Zendesk Luminary

@... Are you saying focus mode for chat + talk is coming to Omnichannel in H1 2024 OR is focus mode for messaging + talk is coming H1 2024? 


We are looking to implement Focus Mode. However, we are concerned that agents would leave a chat/message open so that they will only receive chat/messages and avoid phone calls. Has anyone had any experience with this?



