Online for certain groups only
I have staff members who have multiple roles and whilst I want them to monitor tickets for multiple groups, I only want them to answer telephone calls for particular groups. Currently, if an agents goes online, they are available for calls for all groups which are linked to them. I would like to change this so they can online for some groups, but not others.
Martin Holmes
Hi Adrian & Lee,
Recently there was a community post asking a very similar question.
The latest update on that community post thread (from Neil) explains where we are with group routing and presents a possible workaround.
Any further questions, please let me know.
I agree on this as some of our call groups we would like to prioritize.
making availability for certain groups only or prioritizing groups would help.
Adrian Bishop
Martin Holmes
Thanks for sharing, it is a potential workaround but we didn't really want to add additional groups if we can help it, Zendesk is becoming huge for us and we already have too many groups. We will look forward to further development, the skills on Talk sounds like a potential solution as our use case is specific to a language skill.
For me, there are a lot of improvements which could be implemented for Talk, prior to even considering Zendesk as a ticketing system, alternative suppliers had offered much more intelligent routing, such as prioritising routing customers through to the agent they spoke to last time, and adding the call to an existing ticket thread. The latter where you have to keep merging phone call tickets to keep everything together really lets the system down for me.
Amy Elitzer
Similar to this question, but I have an agent who I want to always answer calls from the Spanish group, but only sometimes answer calls from the English group.
Is there any workaround for this?
As of the moment, queue prioritization is not yet supported. However, it was mentioned in a comment by our Product manager that it's already on the roadmap for our future updates.
Sean Chuang
Hi Amy,
We have a new feature called skills based routing that is currently going thru discovery; this feature will address most of the concerns. While it is not currently in our immediate roadmap, it is something that we will launch. Thank you for your patience and when we move this work into the roadmap, we will let you know through this community post.
Thank you for your patience.