Feature request: Users would like ability to search tickets by ALL organizations
Most of my users have access to support multiple organizations in Zendesk. When looking at their activities, they are only able to look at tickets for one Organization at a time. They would like an ALL option for this search.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Carol Crowley Thank you so much for your detailed answer! That's very valuable feedback.
We are currently working on a feature making improvements to requests display, filtering and sorting. where this feedback is very relevant. We expect to release the first iteration in a series of releases around requests display, sorting and filtering in H1 2022 - though I have to make the disclaimer that this is not a promise.
I will take your feedback into our consideration for this feature.
If anyone else seeing this post has the same issue I would love to hear about your use case using this template.
Dave Dyson
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Hi Carol Crowley
Thank you for the feedback!
I would be very interested in understanding your use case in more detail. Would you be able to share a short description of you use case using this template:
Short description of your company (Industry/what do you do?)
You can keep the description very high level and your company unidentifiable.
Who are the users?
Are they employees, partners, customer employees, consumers etc.? What's their job function?
What do the users want to achieve and where do they hit the limitation?
What is the workflow/steps they go through today and what would they like it to look like?
Why is this limitation an important problem for them and what is the cost to them?
Does it cost time, is human error prone, make specific task impossible etc.
Carol Crowley
Short description of your company (Industry/what do you do?)
We are a software company that produces a web based product and provides support for that product.
Who are the users?
The users are our customers entering support tickets.
What do the users want to achieve and where do they hit the limitation?
Our users provide support to multiple organizations. They want to be able to search for a ticket without needing to specify which organization it is for. They get zero search results (or incorrect search results) unless they put in the correct organization
Further details:
Many of our customers are in a support team themselves. Their team support multiple organizations. They often want to look up one of their tickets for some of the following use cases:
They are finding it difficult to search for tickets as the search requires them to pick the exact organization that the ticket was submitted for.
Why is this limitation an important problem for them and what is the cost to them?
This is a very important problem for them.
The cost is time and frustration. Sometimes the task can seem impossible. If our customer supports 100 organizations, and they don't remember who had the ticket they are looking for they must go through all 100 in search to find the ticket.
Ryan Lemieux
We are also very interested in this ability.
Short description of your company (Industry/what do you do?)
We are a Cyber MSSP that serves clients that are associated with multiple clients of their own.
Who are the users?
The users are our customers reviewing tickets relating to Cyber incidents.
What do the users want to achieve and where do they hit the limitation?
Simply, if our customer is associated with multiple companies they would like to review ALL tickets associated with ALL companies.
Why is this limitation an important problem for them and what is the cost to them?
Cyber incidents are time-sensitive and reviewing a ticket relating to them is important. We don't want our clients fumbling through every organization trying to find a specific ticket relating to a cyber incident.
Tomer D
Hi, any updates on this?
Jamie Noell
I'll chime in with our input - specifically from a client's perspective in the help center.
Short description of your company (Industry/what do you do?)
We provide outsourced Employee of Record, HR and payroll services to organizations.
Who are the users?
Our clients, the workers that we hire on their behalf and our partners.
What do the users want to achieve and where do they hit the limitation?
A single client may have multiple organizations in our Zendesk. If we process payroll for 30 countries, we set-up a Zendesk org for each as there are common attributes at the org (profile) level that we don't want the agent to have to enter on each ticket:
A client contact may be our payroll contact for 1 or more of those organizations. We grant the "view tickets for the user's org" access.
Why is this limitation an important problem for them and what is the cost to them?
I was on a call today with a client contact who is responsible for all of Europe. She may have received a ticket number as an escalation but may not have the exact organization name (what we call payroll profile). So now, she has to search each organization to which she has access. If she has to look through 20 different views, this is frustrating and time-consuming. Just like Status has an "ANY" option, we would like the same for the Organization drop-down.
Essentially, search for the ticket number or phrase across any organization to which the client has access.