Triggers and other options to differentiate a Side Conversation Email and a Side Conversation Ticket
I would like to be able to set conditions for Side Conversations different to when it is an Email or a Ticket.
Current use case - I have a trigger to put a Ticket back into Open when a Side COnversation is replied to (the same as if a end user or agent were to reply to a comment on a ticket if it was in Pending or On Hold (or Solved)). However this is being activated currently when a Side Conversation Ticket is updated as well. I don't want the latter because the 2 tickets are working through their process of support and solution at different stages to each other however must stay linked because they are related.
We use Parent ticket when discussing issue with the End User/Consumer (B2C). Side Conversation ticket is created to speak with Retail Store the consumer purchased from. Store is also our customer (B2B). But we need to have separate conversations that each are not privy to to discuss the same issue eg product fault.
If I get a response from the Child ticket from the store for example, I don't necessarily want my Parent ticket status to change as I may have Solved it, and it goes back to Open.
I also think there will be other scenarios where differentiating the type of side conversation would be useful
Toby Sterrett
Hi Kelsey, thanks for the feedback! We've heard this from a couple other customers as well. We don't have a solution for this right now, but I think it could be interesting for a future enhancement. How would you envision the trigger conditions to look while setting these up?
Kelsey Davis
Toby Sterrett
Ok great, that makes sense, thanks for clarifying.
Mia Smith
Likewise, our organization needs a similar use-case for trigger differentiation.
Our team uses Side Convo via Ticket for internal SOPs. For example, I will open a Side Convo via Ticket to direct an escalation to another department. The other dept will review the case and either reply on the side ticket for our team to handle or the parent ticket if they want to take over the parent ticket. Because both are “tickets," we already have triggers in place to notify the team when these tickets are replied on.
Our team uses Side Convo via Email for external communications (we are in the B2B space and often involve multiple parties on a specific case). There is no way for our team to know if a Side Convo via Email is replied on without proactively checking the ticket. Because of this, the Side Convo via Email is quite useless unless we are able to be proactively notified about it.
What we'd like to be able to do is set up a trigger where tickets with Side Convo via Email attached are re-opened. But not that same for Side Convo via Ticket.