Submit a ticket in messaging (Chatbot)
Is there an alternative way to or replace the option, "Transfer to an agent" to "Submit a request"?
Currently, I have a flow builder with 5 FAQ's and planning to have another option as "submit a ticket".
There isn't any available option for me to have a form in it where I can pull the ticket form into the Chatbot. Similar to what Figma has https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
I have checked the Help Center link you have provided and it seems they are not using Messaging but the standard Chat pre-chat form.
As of the moment, the option to modify "Transfer to Agent" is not yet available. I know how essential this can be for you and other organizations. We appreciate such feedback for it will help us to continuously improve our services.
Dane thank you for getting back to me on this.
Please correct me if am wrong but the pre-chat form is only available for Standard chat and not for messaging?
Is there a way where I could create a form for messaging?
The idea is, we have built a flow builder, and we want our users to raise/submit a ticket if they could not find any relevant help through the chatbot. Any suggestion?
Yes, you are correct. If you have Messaging enabled, the pre-chat form is not available for use as mentioned here.
If you still want to use the pre-chat form, disabling Zendesk messaging is your best option.
Hope this clarifies!
Joshua G
LottieFiles Were you able to find some workaround for this? I'm having the same issue and the only thing I can think of is to have the bot in flow builder inform the user to submit a request by hyperlinking our web form.
Joshua G not really tbh. We did the exact thing as you did. We hyperlinked our web form in the flow builder. Not the best solution but yeah.
Joshua G LottieFiles this is probably a dumb question, but how did you guys hyperlink the web form into the flow builder? Was this done by referencing an article that explains how to submit a request and having the hyperlink there?
Jamy Wehmeyer
This seems to be an old issue. We would also like to use this option: offering to leave a ticket via a form instead of connecting to an agent.
Joshua G
Ulises we used the Carousel step to hyperlink.
Renu Sharma
We can collect the information like name email & msg description and use the api option wothin bot to create a ticket.
Audrie Jurgens
Renu Sharma - Would you, please, share how you did this?
Is there a solution for this yet? At the moment, linking to the form in the help centre seems to be the only workaround. It works so well in web widget (classic), it seems unusual that the same functionality isn't available in the newer product.
Amy M
Amy M
Agree with Chris above that it is odd this functionality does not exist in the "upgraded" experience. Would highly value the ability to submit contact forms within messaging bot.
Shawna James
Tony Smith
You can probably do this with using the Make an API Call module and calling Zendesk API
Anton Maslov
Here is how you can create a ticket with Messaging if needed:
First, you need to create API key and add it to “Connections” to allow Messaging doing API calls to your own Zendesk instance:
1. Go to Admin > Apps & Integrations > Zendesk API. Create an API token here.
2. Now got to Apps & Integrations > Connections and create a new one:
You are now ready to create a ticket by Messaging.
1.First, create a custom ticket fields with “text” type which you will use to ask for issue description. Make it editable by end users and name it for example “How can I help?”
2. Now add step “Ask for details” if needed where you'll ask “Name”, “Email” and also add “How can I help” field there as well.
3. Now add step “Make an API calls”:
4. Now you can use “Make an API call" to test that it works and also save ticket_id as a variable and use it later to tell client his ticket ID that was created.
Brett Bowser
Thanks for sharing your solution Anton Maslov ! This is super helpful :)
Thais Souza da Silva
Anton Maslov Thank you so much for this! It will solve a lot of problems we are having. To make it perfect for our needs, however, is there a way to add the transcript of the conversation the person had with the bot as a internal note? I imagine it would be something in this part, but I'm not sure what would be:
"comment": {
"body": "{{tf.22638143652759}}",
"public": true
This solution is brilliant, took only 10 minutes to set-up.
It would be incredibly useful to get a placeholder with a transcript of the previous chat with the bot.