Enable end-users to view all their multibrand requests on a single Help Center
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk Help Center should have an option that would allow an end user to see all his requests across all brands in the My Activities page on the Help Center
Description/Use Cases:
We have multiple brands used for differents teams. To make it easier to use for our end-users (they are not comfortable with computer tools), they have only one entry point which is the Help Center of a specific brand.
They can select forms from the main brand and the other brands, or sometimes the requests are transferred to another brand that better fits the issue, but by doing so, they can't follow their requests in the "main brand" Help Center
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This is critical for our business as our end-users have difficulty onboarding digital solutions and this is necessary to facilitate their transition.
They don't understand why they can't see all their requests and it creates frustration and rejection.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for posting this feedback, Nicolas, and for using the product feedback template.
If other users have similar needs, please up-vote Nicolas' post, and add any details in the comments below.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Nicolas Monchaux thank you for your feedback!
At the moment we don't have this functionality on the roadmap, but we have noted it and are keeping an eye on this post and other feedback around this same issue to feed it in to our prioritisation process.
Please upvote and add comments about your use case for this functionality,
+1. We sometimes get requests from confused customers who submit a request on one brand, then later look at their My Activities page on another of our brands and don't understand why the ticket is not visible there.
+1 We have several brands where customers submit requests. It would be great if they can see all their requests from different brands on one page without having to go to a new URL. Or at least enable the option for end-users that agents have to switch between brands in the help center:
Logged in Agent:
Logged in End-user:
Tim Barrett
We have pretty much the same use case as Nicolas, in order to create a clear user journey we do not want to create a massive list of forms, so we are using brands to make the end user and agent experience easier to manage. This creates the problem that then end user does not have a page where they can see all their queries in one place.
I am assuming we could do something via API, but is a shame we can't do something in Markup to filter (or not) queries by brand.
Shana Blackstone
Does anyone know if there is a 3rd party app in the Zendesk Marketplace that would accomplish this? While I'd rather have this addressed by Zendesk, this is now the one issue holding us back from going multibrand. I'd be interested in trying a 3rd party app in the meantime.
We offer 30+ applications that span across a diverse group of customers. Many of those customers use a wide range of our applications. We want to go multibrand to support catering our help centers to what a user would need to see and not clutter the main page with information not pertinent to every customer. But we know customers will complain if they have to go to multiple help centers to see all of their activities.
Jiri Fait
Definitely +1 from us. We have over 20 brands and would really appreciate this.
Our company provides an integrated suite of 10+ products to a customer base of roughly 90,000. Most customers have at least 2 or more. Each individual product requires its own unique ZD Guide instance for the best search results, chatbot setup, etc.
As stated, multiple guide instances only allow you to see tickets "per-product."
However, since the products integrate, ticket responses often reference different products and steps to take in each for best practice.
This is a 'confusion point' for our customer base and the ability to see all tickets in one centralized location would be a HUGE win for creating a more frictionless experience.
Feel free to reach out personally should wish. Having worked in SaaS & CX for 15 years in a multi-product environment, I'd love to explain or even 'put my own foot to the plow' :)
Alvaro del Río
+1 This feature is key for us to be able to provide a seamless experience to our customers.
So far I am trying to get it done through AJAX requests to the API on the very HC, but end users don't have access to /search or /ticket endpoints, only to /requests, which has the same brand limitation.
Has anyone tried to call the /requests endpoint of the API of another Brand? I am trying different auth methods with no luck.
We have the same issue as Tom, our customers have multiple products (Brands) and thus they can't see all their tickets in a single place. This is also why we don't communicate this functionality to our customers as it will just confuse them.
Samantha Ramirez
+1 This feature would be extremely useful for us as well - we're utilizing a single help center for employee experience, with different brands representing different internal departments. It would create a much more seamless experience for employees to be able to view all of their tickets, regardless of "brand," within the same interface.
Abbey O'Connor
Would really love to see this option. We have additional brands available to our biggest accounts and to not have those support tickets available in their portal for them to view and monitor is really unfortunate.
Kārlis Stenders
We use multiple brands to optimize the individual help centers for each product. There is customer overlap across brands though, so not having those tickets displayed in your default center is an unresolved support dead-end for the customer.
We can already configure search results in one help center to display results from another brand - this is how you achieve the dynamics you want for the product and user overlap across brands. Similarly, we should be able to configure which brand tickets are available for the end-user.
We are on excatly the same use case as @Kārlis Stenders
It's very difficult to explain it to our customer and this generates a lot of frustration
Stacy Robinson
We also have a use case where requests that are initiated from our platform are created as tickets in Zendesk via the API but use a different brand. We do not want to activate help centers for all of our brands, but would like end users to have the ability to see their tickets that are created under the other brand(s).
Kārlis Stenders
Stacy Robinson that's an interesting use case, I wonder what is the purpose of running several Brands with a single active Help Center only...?
Stacy Robinson
Kārlis Stenders You can only have one web widget per brand, and we needed the widget to work in our platform.
Travis Weyneth
We also are looking into using Brands as a way to manage ticket access between multiple teams; however, we would not have Help Centers for every brand and this is coming up as a potential roadblock. We do have multiple help centers, and it would be helpful to be able to select which brands' tickets should show for each one (i.e. Brand A and Brand B in Help Center 1 and Brand C and Brand D in Help Center 2)
Similar scenario as Travis: We have multiple Brands (products) that all integrate, several more than others. Ideally, each should have its own help center so search results don't get muddied. However, separate help centers prevent users from managing all their tickets from a singular location and require multiple logins. It would be a significant CX improvement to be in Help Center 1, yet view tickets from Brand (product) 1, 2, & 3 - as many often relate due to product suite integration.
Andrew Naughton
It's a shame that 2 years on from the original post, almost to the day, we are yet to have this functionality!
My firm is within the same boat. We have a great Help Center (HC) for internal documentation and have multiple brands to facilitate IT, HR, Finance and Software Support. It would be a huge enhancement if we could have a consolidated “Requests” view so our users don't have to switch between HC's when only one is properly utilised. It creates confusion and frustration. We hold close to 140 agent seats and this limitation may be a deciding factor for us to move our business elsewhere… hopefully this gets the attention it needs.
Kārlis Stenders
It's not just tickets unavailable/not showing, but also the fact that the Web Widget is Brand-locked. This is another support dead end: if you have product-specific pages on your website, you'd have to use the Brand-specific widget, which makes sense. However, the entire conversation will disappear when the user proceeds to a different product page on the website as it already features a widget instance for a different product/Brand. This could be resolved by allowing a widget that is not Brand-specific But this is also unavailable. Also, the re-login issue is present for the end-user, if they navigate to the other Brand help center. The flaws are so serious that we've decided to revert to a single Brand only.
Naturally, this could be a huge and costly project involving several teams. The product we sell is software, so dev tasks are needed for various purposes, backend, global redirects, research, design, and web development, theme updates that somehow incorporate all products (which might not even be viable for many in this thread), custom solutions for product-based filters on various help center levels… massive task. But this is how Zendesk does it on their own page, setting the example (single Brand), so it should be possible, right?
There is also the issue of data migration: Closed tickets will retain their respective Brands, so after everything is merged into a single Brand, the ex-Brand ticket history will still not be available to view for the end-users in My Requests as the merged remaining Brands don't match in ticket data. This can't be changed in Zendesk, there is no such feature available. However, third-party companies are providing such migration services - all of your ticket and article data, and the Brand, Form, and pretty much all other ticket fields can be mapped for changes during the process, although as any such undertaking, there will be serious issues to resolve. So it is possible… but when you add up everything you want to be included in the migration process, it is very expensive (the entire project could stop here for us).
But let's say it's possible and you can successfully revert to a single-Brand setup, and thus resolve the lost widget conversations, and tickets missing in My Requests. You now have to figure out all of those Product-based filtering and content structure aspects, which can have endless side effects and flaws that were not considered. Not least, the Intent and Answer Bot now working with several products in that Brand (also, a complete rigger and Automation overhaul). But again, it should be possible, right?
Not exactly. It turns out there is no native feature for Product selection in the widget. At least not one that would provide conversation answers that are actually picked from those Product content pools/categories only. What a huge oversight, how is this not being addressed? The answer is: yes it is possible, but you have to get it custom-built as a paid service from… you guessed it, no other than Zendesk's partner Ultimate! Yes, the same Ultimate that Zendesk acquired a few months back and incorporated their tech in the Generative AI and other features.
All that sweet talk at the last Relate keynote - how everything is integrated, simple, and easy to use, included on every subscription tier, thanks to Ultimate, etc. Now it turns out that even a basic feature such as Product selection in the widget is not available unless you go to Zendesk's “partner” Ultimate and pay for it. In fact, it turns out that some 4-5 key features in the Zendesk website's widget are NOT publicly available, all are custom-built. So for anyone looking at Zendesk's own website for some good implementation examples, or an understanding of how their support solutions work, you might be disappointed to find that “regular” customers can't use it as advertised.

To sum up: currently, working with multiple Brands has serious flaws, which we have to figure out ourselves, as it is not on Zendesk's product roadmap. Reverting to a single Brand as an alternative is a complex and costly project, and also lacks basic functionality. My team currently has some dozen or so tickets open with ZD support regarding various issues, and it is difficult to even discuss it internally without constant frustration. Not sure yet what we're going to end up doing here, but in the long term, we will start to look for other solutions.
Melanie Whyte
I was slightly surprised at the lack of integration that is available across the ‘brands’ within Zendesk when we made the decision to build separate brands for our product support. 2 areas in particular are causing us the most pain:
Tickets: Many of our customers use multiple products and it is a really frustrating user experience for them to have to go to multiple places to get a view of all the tickets that they want to check on. The users view of ‘my requests’ should be anything that they have raised in the portal, regardless of brand.
Articles: There are many articles which are relevant to multiple brands. Not having anyway to share an article across those different brands means an overhead in trying to keep information consistent
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
+1 (+100 actually).
We work with many customers for EX and many customers use Brands for different departments. EG: (IT - with sub areas like security, network, DevOps etc - HR, Finance etc etc). Brands work very well for this use case as they can have seperate help centres, workflows, reporting etc etc for each team as a ‘Brand’.
For end users, the EX experience is not so good. Not having a central location to manage their requests is confusing and frustrating for them resulting in them sometimes creating a ticket to ask where their other tickets are which the teams then have to try to explain the Zendesk multibrand limitation - very confusing and ultimately not a good impression of the Zendesk platform for EX use case.
Given the GTM comms around how Zendesk can be used for EX (it's a big sales verticle push for Zendesk), I'm very surprised this is not a feature.
Amy Pearson
This has becoming a very daunting challenge for our company. The issue that we're facing is the same as others have reported, but what is really challenging is that the tickets are sorted by Brand, but the users have an option to Assume Identity, which is absolutely no help when trying to diagnose why a user isn't seeing their tickets. We have thousands of accounts with multiple brands and it's been extremely problematic for those end users. This creates a lot of replicated work, especially when it applies to end user facing forms having to reside off of each help center
Elaine Foster-Jones
Our organization operates on a model where providers perform services for clients. The providers have a separate Brand from the clients in our Zendesk instance because their help center content needs to be different (they're utilizing different sides of the platform - internal/external), and the agents working the tickets are on different teams, and typically do not overlap. However, there are cases where a provider will reach out on behalf of a client, and the ticket may need to be shared to a different group under a different brand in order to have the correct team investigate the issue. In these cases, the providers cannot see their ticket in their Requests page because the ticket has changed brands, and so they end up submitting a new ticket for the same issue, causing duplicates that need to be merged. This could be avoided if they could view tickets where they are the requester on the Requests page, regardless of brand.
This should be a setting that admins could enable or disable by brand, because it's understandable that some companies may run brands that are unrelated aside from the company who owns them, and therefore would not want cross-ticket confusion in those cases. Something like a dropdown for each brand where any/all other brands could be selected, based on who should have visibility to that brand's tickets.
Sam Donovan
+1! We would love this enhancement. As our business grows, we would like to consolidate our ticket history for our clients into one support portal. Thanks Nicolas for submitting this, and I hope this gets on the product roadmap!
Wendy Silberstein
+1! We would love this enhancement because our business is growing and there are more groups that are using Zendesk. It would be great to consolidate ticket history across brands for easy visibility by our customers.
+1 You would think it's an ‘easy’ fix, because all that is needed is to have an end-user setting where you specify which brands will be shown in their requests.
We also have multiple brands, to make it easier for our agents so there aren't endless fields to fill in
Because some brands require other fields to be mandatory filled in.
But our end-users don't care about that, they want to see every requests on each brand they have access to on 1 single place.