

Adding cc field to ticket form without requiring end user to be signed in


Currently, using the CC's and Followers version, our customers who are signed into their Zendesk accounts can use the Submit a Request option to create their ticket and have the option to cc others to tickets. Our customers often cc their CSM or Sales rep on their ticket so this is a great feature to have.

Our challenge is that most customers are not signed into their Zendesk account when they create a ticket. Instead, they often create their ticket via the ticket form (web widget) we have enabled in our software. Because they are not signed into Zendesk, the cc field does not appear to them here.

Proposal: Allow a ticket form to have a cc option that can be enabled. Regardless of whether a user is signed into their Zendesk account or not, they may want to cc someone as they create a ticket and need to have that functionality.




Good remark, I am sure it is possible with coding + it is a big issue to have it the current way

Best regards,



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Dane Corley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Dave, thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. I understand the request however at this time we are not able to commit to prioritizing this feedback. 
While we understand the desire for this functionality, it was ultimately deemed incongruent with our current security posture in regards to how we allow unauthenticated users to interact with Zendesk.
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “Not Planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events and Zendesk Updates. Thank you again for your feedback and we appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.



