Please give us a way to fully disable the "Phishing Risk" feature.
Feature Request Summary:
The phishing risk feature added by Zendesk cannot be turned off, and is adding incorrect, alarming messages to thousands of tickets.
Description/Use Cases:
Like many organizations, we sometimes send emails to a group at a another company. One person in that group, will respond. Since this new feature rolled out, any time this happens, the response is flagged in red as a phishing risk, because the email is different from the requester email on the ticket. This is frustrating and misleading. We would like to turn off these misleading messages, but there's no way to do so.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
A lot of time is being wasted reassuring agents tickets are safe because of this new feature. We have to write up new documentation for agents, and will have to train on this in the future, just because there's no off switch and Zendesk is marking only legitimate replies as phishing risks. I have yet to see a single instance of this tool correctly identifying a phish, and I have seen multiple actual phishes come through. It's not even clear to me what Zendesk is using to define "Phishing risk", aside from marking every ticket where a follow-up message was sent from an email address that does not match the requester's as a phishing attempt.
Amisha Sharma
We heard you! Thanks for providing feedback on the recently released Phishing Prevention Flags in Agent Workspace.
We are rolling back this release effective immediately. As many of you have shared, this feature didn’t take into account some common workflows of our customers. We're now taking time to revise this feature to better suit your needs and will be bringing back an improved version sometime next year.
Amisha Sharma
Hello CJ Johnson - Thanks for providing feedback. Here are the cases where Zendesk marks a ticket as a Phishing attempt.
Currently, there is no way to turn this off in Agent Workspace, however, we can remove you from the rollout. Please confirm that you would like to be excluded from this rollout. Thanks!
CJ Johnson
Hi Amisha,
Thanks, but I'm not the only one with this issue, and I don't want to have to reach out to have the same thing done in my dev environment. I'm assuming the feature is intended to grow and improve over time, and I may wish to turn it on. Or for example, maybe we have a big spate of phishes and I change my mind and want it on again. I would really like this to be an option that as an admin, I have control over.
Your image appears to be the possible flags an error would encounter, but what I am trying to ask, is what the scenarios are that Zendesk is attempting to mark as phishing, what definition of "phishing" is Zendesk using? For example, I don't see any flags up there that would actually apply to the types of phishing that I'm concerned about and actually see making into Zendesk.
Am I correct in understanding there is no logic to this Phishing Risk feature that would be able detect calling themselves BBB, sending an email from @bettterbusinessbureau.com with a malicious link? That's an example of the kind of thing I would want flagged, but the feature doesn't seem to be able to catch that kind of phishing.
William Sedgwick
having another person respond happens every day and is completely normal for us, i dont understand why this is marked as phishing and why we cant choose to turn this off. Internally we have had many emails not beinng responded to for hours as agents are afraid to do anything with actual tickets because they have been marked as phishing
Simon Collier
Hello! Is it possible to be removed from this feature as well? Thank you!