Agent Solved Ticket Count
Hi. When we run reports on solved tickets by agent, we noticed a ticket doesn't count if the customer closes it instead of the agent. This has caused issues because some agents put a ticket in pending awaiting confirmation from the customer that the issue is resolved. If the customer then marks it solved, the agent doesn't get credit for the resolution.
Does anyone have a report that can include tickets assigned to an agent that the agent solves along with those the agent solves?
Gab Guinto
What metrics and attributes/filters are you using in your report. If you use the Solved tickets metric under the Tickets dataset and slice it by Assignee name, you should see the count of solves for each assignee, regardless of how the ticket was solved out.
If you need to see the count of tickets that were solved out by agents, you can create a report under the Updates history data – use the Tickets solved metric, filter by Update role (Agent and Admin) and then slice the metric by Updater name. The report should show you the number of tickets placed in solved status by the agents themselves.