Workflow Audits Best Practices
We switched to Zendesk a little over a year ago now - a lot has happened since :) We have grown by 3 brands, with multiple groups, of course all that meant loads of new triggers for routing tickets, as well as along the way trying to automate as much as we can.
Now a couple of weeks ago, we were finally able to automate our clean brand separation, by adding a new workflow of triggers/tags etc. It seems that there could now be some conflict between the new workflow and some of our old-workflows ..... long story short: is there a best practice recommendation on how to audit your trigger/workflows set ups once/twice per year?
I know I can check how triggers fire, and come across individual cases were we can tweak things here and there. But I would like to perform a once/twice per year overall audit on our set up, to make sure nothing is falling of the radar.
Hope this makes sense. Wasn't able to find anything on this online so far. Maybe someone here has some advice. How do you regularly make sure that your set up is 100% up to date and working properly on all ends?
On our end, we have a dedicated team that specifically handles all our internal workflows. We have a repository of all the workflows we have. Triggers and Automations are being tracked by the use of tags.
The best practice is to make sure that you have a record of all your workflow to have a reference whenever there is a change that will deployed on your organization. This way, it can be determined beforehand if there will be any business rules that will be negatively impacted of such changes.