Pin Internal Notes
It'd be great if Zendesk allows users to pin internal notes. Sometimes, it's quite important to leave a note that can be seen by anyone who opens a ticket and if it's located at the top of the ticket, it will be surely noticed.
As of now, internal notes appear among public replies, and if an agent doesn't scroll all over the ticket, there is a chance that something important mentioned in the internal note will be missed.
Amisha Sharma
Hello everyone,
Excited to share with you that Modernized Conversational Experience beta is now accepting sign ups: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6910916146330-What-is-the-Modernized-Conversational-Experience-MCE
We will be addressing the pain point expressed in this post as well as part of this beta. Inviting all of you to have your admin sign up to opt into this beta to provide us early feedback. Thanks!
Dan R.
This is a really great idea. Being able to pin a summary note for agents on particularly long running tickets, or being able to make/update a ticket via API with certain data would be awesome.
I would like to have it logged as an event on the ticket when someone pins/unpins a note and bonus points if the ability to pin/unpin was permissioned!
Scott Patterson
This is a great idea! We have reminders about specific things that need to be done on certain types of tickets, as well as try to keep track of summary notes for longer tickets. We have these in internal notes which get a bit lost as the ticket goes on, and have some ticket fields to try and keep track, but then that's not super visible or easy to prompt people to update. A pinned note would be really good for those situations.
Thomas Lang
Yes should be intergrated. Every platform seems to do it but ZD.
Maybe Zendesk will do something, without us needing to pay for 3rd party apps?
Simon Whitehouse
We'd like the ability to pin summary notes to the top of a ticket. I had this feature in the helpdesk software I used twenty years ago!
Shawna James
Sydney Neubauer
+1 definitely would like this feature - sometimes you post many notes and to state which one is the official one to follow would help - it gets lost in the ticket.
Paul Craymer
+1 for this request. Would be really useful for ticket reviews and when tickets get escalated.
Amisha Sharma
Hello everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback on this feature request. We heard you and have added this to our roadmap for this year. We are working on modernizing the reading experience, which includes some visual changes and new productivity features. I do not have an exact timeline for pinned notes at the moment, but we are targeting July/August of this year to deliver.
I'll come back to post here once I have more information. Please continue to provide more feedback around the following:
Jordan Premick
This is a great option for many reasons to answer your questions:
It should be editable and it should be a specific option under the different channels(Email, Internal Note, Phone Call). The label of it should be decided by a UX person but it should be something that is meant as a 'important ticket notes"
I think it should act like versions and be approved by the current assignee of that ticket or stack up comments on that specific note.
We're about to adopt and go-live with ZenDesk but we're hitting a roadblock based on how the team currently uses HALO as a place to keep track of escalation information of a case. So to answer the question above, A LOT.
Leonie van Dijk
This would be great!
This way you can pin the latest action(to take) and relevant information like 'customer says they don't want..., we've promised to..., next friday consultant X is schedueled for a remotesession' and so on. Without new informations, responses and so on building up, causing the important note to dissapear.
This will be helpful as we have too many long running tickets and important internal notes get lost in the conversation +1
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi all,
We have uploaded an app to the Zendesk Marketplace called Save as Draft, which may be able to help out with the use case outlined above. Specifically, the app provides a special field for creating drafts which can be re-opened and displayed later. This can be used for pinning all kinds of information to the top of the apps panel, including the types of information discussed in this thread. The app is free to use, so please give it a try and see if it can help. Full description of the app is on our Help Centre here. Feedback is welcome!
Cheers ~