Sum of agent replies on tickets with a particular tag in Zendesk Explore
Hi there,
I'm fairly new at Zendesk Explore reporting and I've tried searching for an example but I'm struggling to find one.
I want to include SUM(Agent replies) in a report, but only for tickets with a particular tag. Because of how the report is set up, I don't want to do this with a report filter (as I don't want the filter to affect other metrics. Specifically, I want to compare this filtered by tag SUM(Agent replies) to the overall unfiltered SUM(Agent replies) How would I set this up? I think it would be a calculated metric, but I'm struggling to find an example to work with.
I do believe that, as you mention, the best way to achieve this would be to create a metric, which could then be used alongside others instead of filtering an existing metric's results.
I've come up with a formula that returns the number of public agent replies on a ticket, but only if the ticket contains a particular tag:
IF (INCLUDES_ALL([Ticket tags], "tag_name"))
THEN VALUE(Agent replies)
In order to obtain a subset of tickets that contain a tag, multiple tags or any tag from a specific collection of tags, you can use the formulas included in this article, which I used as reference. You can return the tickets themselves or any other attribute or metric related to the tickets that meet the criteria.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Thank you Fran!