Add the ability to add custom fields with just... text
In order to add more context, description, explication to a form; I would like the ability to add a custom field with simply some text (ideally which would support some basic HTML tags).
I spent a few hours trying to find how to, as I couldn't imagine such a basic feature would not be present.. but here I am ;(
My current use case is to create a form for "GDPR Account deletion" request where on top of the checkbox "I hereby agree..."; I wanted to add more colour as of what would happen and the list of everything that will be lost in the process. I reckon it is primordial for a user to make an educated decision..
Right now the only option provided by Zendesk is "Either it will be displayed as a wall of text in a field description" or "nothing at all"..
I cannot be the only one who would like to be able to expose content to the user, without having to artificially creating a delay and paying for a contact, am I? (Clearly targetting those who "submit a ticket" without reading the FAQ)
Jacob the Moderator
Hi Serge,
I'm not sure I'm understanding exactly what you're looking for, if you would like to include hyperlinked text as help text for a field on your web form. I believe this tip instructs you on how to achieve that.
I hope that helps.
Serge Pincon
I would like to add block of text, ideally formatted with bold, italic, paragraph etc..
But really just the ability to add text without any input required from the user..
Serge Pincon
Sorry for coming back to this one but is there really no way just to add instruction to a form?..
I would like for instance to let the user know which files I need them to upload based on what issue they are experiencing.
It seems so weird that we are unable to write anything to our users while they are trying to contact us, and when we know that they certainly might be able to use extra information..
Peter Masurat
@Serge, Did you solve this? I have the same request and question: It must be possible to add a plain textbox, with whatever text I want, on a form!? The “help texts" you can add to fields just don't cut it.
Does anyone have a solution?