Omnichannel routing agent capacity should use % of spare capacity instead of raw ticket spare capacity.
After 2 support tickets with Zendesk I learned that routing capacities for omnichannel routing does not function as expected by design.
I have a capacity which is 30 for tenured agents and a capacity rule which could be 2-5 for ramping agents.
Autorouting will not route tickets to the ramping capacity rule agents because it does not consider % of free capacity, it looks purely at the number of tickets spare which leads me to believe capacity rules cannot function at all for me.
Agent A has 15/30 tickets assigned
Agent B has 0/5 tickets assigned
The agent who is ramping (Agent B) will not be assigned cases until agent A has 25/30 tickets assigned. This does not function as expected, I would have expected it to be % of the capacity in use like all of the zendesk explore dashboards use.
Proposed way it should route
Agent A has 15/30 tickets assigned, 50% capacity in use
Agent B has 0/5 tickets assigned, 0% capacity in use
Tickets will be assigned to agent B until the % of capacity in use is more than agent A.
Barry Neary
I agree that there should be an option to select whether you wish to use % spare capacity or actual spare capacity. Will add this to roadmap and update you when I have a timeline for release