

Unable Route Text with Omnichannel Routing


I have just been informed that the "text" channel does not work through Omnichannel routing. I am able to route all other tickets through all other channels to my agents but now I will need a separate view and will not be able to have my agents focus on the assigned tickets view because they will have to continuously pay attention to a separate view I will need to make for these tickets. 

Apart from a separate view, for this channel, as well as the routing to a group, (which I am already doing.) does anyone else have any suggestions to get around this limitation. Ill be honest this is rather frustrating to have to create what seems to be a one off type situation with the one channel. 




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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Robert

Would you want to route a text message in the same way that email tickets are routed, or would you rather route them like a message (agent has to accept them)?




Hello Barry! 

Ideally I was expecting all ticket channels to route automatically to agents, So to answer your question it would work like emails. 

By not allowing a channel to do this my solution has been to create a separate view, while this works. It removes my ability to have my agents solely focus on the "My assigned tickets" view.  

I do also believe that both of those solutions would be good options and if possible, to improve your product, maybe leave that up to the account with an option to route as either email or messaging? 


This is a big pain point affecting my team's efficiency. Is there a solution for this on the roadmap?


We are having the same issue. I've set up user tags and triggers so SMS messages from different customers can go to the appropriate group. We are dealing with over 9 different groups and adding more often. Setting up views for each of these is growing more difficult each day. Being able to automatically route these through omnichannel routing would be great. Ideally, this would work like email routing to auto assign to online agents without them needing to click Accept. 



