

New dataset dedicated to all fields on the User and Org screens


Feature Request Summary: 

I would like a user/organization dataset that is includes just the data within the org and user screens.  

Description/Use Cases: 

Currently most of  the user and org data has to be tied to tickets. Not all org and/or users may have ticket open and some some cases the agents info changes (such as their group) so reports pull all the different groups and not always a one-to-one relationship.

Reporting just on agents vs light agents isn't straight forward and trying to report off of what support group an agent belongs to results in a list off any group it was assigned to, not simply the current group assignment.

Example is a report with all support agents and the primary group they are assigned to. It cant be done.  You can create a report that will show all groups that agent was assigned to and not the most current one.  

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

This is critical for our upper mgmt. who wants to  create reports with accurate data based on the current values in fields on the Org and User page. 

There are also fields in the Org and User screens that you cannot report off of because they are not part a current dataset.  All fields on the user and org screen should be reportable.  The data is there for a reason.




I absolutely echo Bill's feedback, and I have seen other comments in the community asking how to report on users or organizations specifically. 

A current use case is that I want to clean up our user and organization data to increase the efficiency of my Support group by comparing external data sources with what is living in Zendesk. The main issue is that I cannot report solely on organizations or users because there are no datasets for this. This gap that Zendesk has is limiting my ability to tell my executive leadership team a clean story about our highest or lowest contacting users or organizations or improve integrations to ensure valid data. 

I have been working to find and merge duplicate/same-person end-user accounts, and it has been a big fork in the road not being able to report on users without tickets. It means I must search within the Support product to find those users by name and then merge them.


Additionally, If an organization has not opened any tickets,  will not show up on any reports. Try explaining that to executives looking for inactive orgs.



