Introduce a save/draft state for content blocks
In content blocks, the only options appear to be Update (which updates all published articles immediately) or Close (which discards your changes). There should be an option to simply Save updates to content blocks without immediately making them public so that we can save in-progress drafts that aren't ready for our customers yet. This would be similar to the Save for articles, where the updates are in the "in-progress" state without being published.
Current behavior is preventing us from using content blocks more.
Shawna James
For future reference, I want to point you in the direction of our product feedback template. This template has been designed by community members and PM's to help users provide the most accurate details for their feature request so that we can better understand your use case and needs. You do not need to update your post now but we would appreciate in the future if you could utilize the template.
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add you support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the the comments below. Thank you again!