

Feature Request - Rearrange/Change Order of Result Metric Calculations


I often use multiple Result Metric Calculations in my reports, especially for their ability to calculate “rolled up” values correctly (as far as I know the ONLY way to achieve this in Explore!) but I often find myself needing to rearrange the order of these metrics.

The only way I know of to do this is to delete any existing metrics and recreate them in the order that you actually want them. This can create a LOT of repetitive work, especially if you add a new one at the end of a long list and you just know that it really needs to be at the top of the list! 

Seems like it should be an easy win to add the ability to drag-sort the something like the list of collapsed metrics in the first screenshot below to achieve any order you like. Alternatively, having up/down arrows in the expanded view of a single metric (see second screenshot) would be an effective (if slightly clunkier) way to achieve the same benefit.





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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey David, thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


Thanks, Shawna!


Also interested in this, and I'd like to intersperse them among my other metrics instead of just having them at the end of all my tables as well.

If you're really careful to navigate buggy behaviours, you can do this by making standard calculated metrics for them by just putting the metrics with aggregators in the calculation, but as far as I know this is discouraged and very often makes other columns misbehave because of how the queries work (…which you can then bypass sometimes with “Compute separately”).

Would be a lot easier if the result metric calculations just appeared (in a different colour or something, maybe) in the list of metrics on the left panel! Then we could drag them in any order we want.



