Please use correct German in translated messages
I wanted to change my password and received a message titled, "Neues Zendesk Support-Kennwort festlegen", with text, "
Guten Tag Oliver Gramberg,
Sie haben offenbar angefragt, dass das Kennwort für Ihren Zendesk Support-Account zurückgesetzt wird.
Neues Kennwort festlegen um das Zurücksetzen abzuschließen.
Wenn Sie das Zurücksetzen Ihres Kennworts nicht angefordert haben, können Sie diese E-Mail ignorieren. Das vorhandene Kennwort funktioniert auch dann, wenn Sie anmelden."
- Please put a comma after "Guten Tag"
- Please use two hyphens in "Zendesk-Support-Account"
- Please put a comma before "um"
- Please write "Konto" in place of "Account"
- Please add "sich" in "wenn Sie sich anmelden"
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM and translations team to review. Thank you again!
Shawna James
Hi Oliver following up here I wanted to let you know that we have created a ticket to send to our localization team with this request. They may reach out for further information on your request. We sincerely appreciate you raising this issue to our team and helping us improve our translations!