

way to put problem field into incident field auto fill?



We have JIRA linked in with our instance and are needing to have the JIRA ticket number on the Problem ticket auto fill in to any linked incident tickets for tracking. Does anyone know of a way to do this? ps. I don't have access to our JIRA instance and have to work strictly in ZD, if its a setting on JIRA I can shoot that group a message to have it enabled. I'm just hitting a wall here.




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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey AJ!

Given that you're most likely using Zendesk's native Problem-Incident workflow, identifying linked Incident tickets programmatically becomes more straightforward due to the inherent structure Zendesk provides for linking these ticket types. In this workflow, Incident tickets are linked to a Problem ticket, allowing you to easily trace back from the Problem to its related Incidents. Here’s a step-by-step approach on how to programmatically identify linked Incident tickets using the Zendesk API:

### Step 1: Retrieve the Problem Ticket ID
First, you need the ID of the Problem ticket. This could be obtained through various means, depending on your specific process or workflow. For example, if you are starting with a JIRA ticket number that is linked to a Zendesk Problem ticket, you would first find the Problem ticket associated with that JIRA number.



### Step 2: Use the Zendesk API to List Incidents Linked to the Problem
Zendesk provides an API endpoint that allows you to list all Incident tickets linked to a specific Problem ticket. The request looks something like this:

curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{problem_ticket_id}/incidents.json \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token}"

Replace `{subdomain}`, `{problem_ticket_id}`, and `{your_access_token}` with your Zendesk subdomain, the ID of the Problem ticket, and your API access token, respectively.

### Step 3: Parse the Response to Identify Linked Incident Tickets
The response from the API call will contain a list of Incident tickets that are linked to the specified Problem ticket. You’ll need to parse this response to extract the IDs (or any other relevant information) of the Incident tickets.

### Example JSON Response
Here’s a simplified example of what the JSON response might look like:


  "tickets": [
      "id": 12345,
      "subject": "Example Incident Ticket 1",
      "status": "open",
      // Additional ticket fields...
      "id": 67890,
      "subject": "Example Incident Ticket 2",
      "status": "open",
      // Additional ticket fields...
    // More tickets...


From this response, you can gather the `id` of each Incident ticket, which you can then use to update these tickets as needed (e.g., adding a comment with the JIRA ticket number or updating a custom field).

### Step 4: Automate the Update Process for Incident Tickets
With the list of Incident ticket IDs, you can automate the process of updating these tickets with the JIRA ticket number or any other relevant information. This would involve making additional API calls to update each ticket individually, as shown in the example API call in the previous response.

### Automation and Monitoring
Implementing this as a script or a small application running at regular intervals, or triggered by specific events, would allow for real-time or near-real-time updating of Incident tickets based on changes to the linked Problem ticket. Monitoring and logging the success of these updates are crucial for ensuring the reliability of this automated process.

By following these steps, you can programmatically identify and update Incident tickets linked to a specific Problem ticket within the Zendesk native Problem-Incident workflow, leveraging the Zendesk API for automation and efficiency.

Hope this helps!




