Is there a way to filter a dropdown on a form
We have a dropdown with sub levels and we would like to filter the dropdown based on the form.
For instance, if I have a dropdown With the values :
Level 1
- sublevel 1.1
- sublevel 1.2
Level 2
- sublevel 2.1
- sublevel 2.2
I want to only display level 1 for the form A, level 2 for the form B and all the items for the form C.
We want to keep the same field because in the report we won't need to make the distinction.
Shawna James
Graham Robson
Hi Elizabeth,
Can I just clarify the type of field(s) you have in place for your levels.
Is this implemented with a single dropdown configured with nesting Level1::Sublevel 1.1
Do you have a Dropdown for Level 1 another for Level 2?
Is the ideal field structure two fields: (1) Level (2) Sub-level i.e. one common Sub-level field to make it way easier to report and configure any Zendesk business rules.
Thanks, Graham
James G
Following up on Graham's response, if your drop-down field is configured as a single nested drop-down field, then unfortunately, we can't change the values of that field dynamically based on another ticket field.
However, if it's a separate drop-down field, you can set up conditional ticket fields.