

Subject line set is not the subject line displayed



Hi - We have multiple macros with a subject line written as part of the triggers/actions such as this one.

Set subject > [Subject line we set]


When we send out proactive tickets using any of these macros, it doesn't follow the subject line we set in the macro's trigger/actions, instead, it shows the first few sentences of the email body. The same thing happens when we freehand an email and set a subject in the Subject field prior to sending the email.


Anyone who can help me figure it out? We've gotten feedback from customers who said our emails are confusing, I think this is the reason why.






For context, this is what I was referring to about the triggers/action:

And this is how it looks like when our customers receive our emails:



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Steve Lacoss

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Mia,

Open the events tab within the ticket and look for a trigger that may update the subject line.  You can then either disable or update the trigger to disregard when the macro is used (add a tag with the macro).


Steve Lacoss - Thank you. I just checked and saw the trigger so I went in. 

Do you mean I should remove this tag in the Email subject field?


I tried to remove the {{ticket.title}} tag and sent an email, the email I received said (No subject) in the subject line.


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Steve Lacoss

Zendesk Luminary

{{ticket.title}} is the placeholder that pulls the subject line for the ticket. You want to keep that one as it is.  Is there another trigger that fired to update the subject and overwrote that one with the undesired subject? 


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Heather Cook

Zendesk Luminary

This is an odd issue.


I agree with Steve. If a trigger is setting the subject of the ticket, then your notification is sending with ticket title. It should work.


I would check the order in your events. Is it a macro or trigger setting the subject? Is that macro or trigger running before the notification is sent? Otherwise it could be that the notification is being sent before the subject is being set.


Notification triggers should normally be last in your trigger order, that way all the logic runs on your ticket first. Then people are notified about it.


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey Mia,


I would suggest opening a support ticket with Zendesk.  I've tested the workflow in my developer account and it is working as intended, so something in your instance must be having an unintended impact.  Let us know here if you get it resolved!





