

Blocking Sell from creating a contact for a specific email address


Hi All


We use a global forwarding system from our server to the “get base” email address so that we capture all emails from the company to clients. 


However, it is capturing and creating contacts for non-customers - for example, internal emails between staff. It creates a “Contact” for every single email address, even if it is not a customer on Sell, and stores all the emails on the platform. 


Is there a way to stop the system from creating a contact for specific email addresses? 




Hi Shona! It sounds like you have an external system set up to create contacts for new email addresses. The regular email integration will not do this - if you have your email integrated, it will simply sync emails for existing contacts (not create new ones). If you have an external or third party creating contacts, you might want to first have the API check to see if the email exists, and then only sync the relevant emails. If you are still having an issue and want to go more in-depth with your process, please feel free to reach out to our support team!



