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Bill French















さんの最近のアクティビティ Bill French

Bill Frenchさんがコメントを作成しました:

コミュニティのコメント Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

>>> It still will give one agent 7 tickets, the other 2 when they have the same number of OPEN tickets in each of their assigned queues.

>>> I am pretty sure most people would like a  configurable logic like "if agent has 5 open tickets, assign 5 more" I thought this is what was being developed here

In 2013 I began following this thread only because I had developed a simple, but effective Round-Robin system in 2011 for a client using Google Apps Script. That app was really productive for my client's team and I believe they even openly shared it in 2015.

Here we are 9 years, 11 months, and 13 days later and it appears the target objective has not been reached. Based on the thread, it doesn't appear that it's even close to being ideally suitable or close to matching customer expectations.

You realize that since this thread began, a sizeable amount of American history has occurred. Couples have married. They've conceived babies, raised them, and these kids are now just a few years from middle-school. Tesla Reinvented the automobile. SpaceX reliably lands reusable rocks backwards. And StarLink has launched more than 3,500 satellites. GPT-3 has a multi-trillion parameter AI model capable of writing complete articles and answering almost any question. All while Zendesk tried to get round-robin assignments to work. Unbelievable.

I have a very long and storied tech career starting with LapLink (which was really a 1982 project to move data from the Space Shuttle computers to IBM desktops), and then QuickSite in the 90's, MyST in the 2000's, and real-time analytics, and CyberLandr today. And despite this long tech career, this round-robin thread has been alive for 25% of my entire time in tech. I eagerly watch for messages hoping to read the final one. The message that signal this "feature" now exists and customers are thrilled to use it to create hyper-productivity for their support teams.

>>> We have the ability to define you own routing logic on the roadmap....

Really? I thought that was the essence of the roadmap in 2013.

If the right mix of tech and process logic didn't leap into the hands of customers within one year, ten more years is not likely to make it happen. Besides, the nature and topography of this problem has now dramatically changed because AI is how it should be solved. If there isn't a healthy dose of machine learning in the architecture of this feature, it should be scrapped.

Just sayin' ...

コメントを表示 · 投稿日時:2022年12月16日 · Bill French







Bill Frenchさんがコメントを作成しました:

コミュニティのコメント Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Thirteen years is roughly two eons in Interweb years. ;-) Only Airtable has taken more than a decade to add the Split() function and that clock is still ticking to this day.

On August 8th, 2013 I crafted a solution for BetterCloud (Mike Stone). It was a round-robin assignment for Zendesk and BetterCloud loved it. I used Google Apps Script and it became widely used by many Zendesk admins when BetterCloud shared it openly here.

I'm amazed that no one has taken this to the level where AI and GPT-3 could take it now that so many more intelligent things are possible. Where's the innovation for a process that is so critical and needed by so many organizations?

コメントを表示 · 投稿日時:2022年6月09日 · Bill French







Bill Frenchさんがコメントを作成しました:

コミュニティのコメント Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I was weary waiting for this feature so I built a simple solution in Google Docs.

The Google Docs script and spreadsheet I created is just an example of an automated round-robin assignment process for Zendesk. It is particularly easy to use and modify as it is built entirely in Google Docs and GAS (Google Apps Script). It uses a simple spreadsheet to manage the support team members participating in the round-robin assignment, and it uses the Zendesk API (v2). Plus, it can be fully automated - a lights-out process that just looks at your recently submitted tickets, finds the ones that are unassigned and assigns them based on the team queue.



コメントを表示 · 投稿日時:2013年8月25日 · Bill French





