Automatic Refresh in Views
2021년 5월 27일에 게시됨
We would like to propose an automatic refresh in the Views.
Situation: New or updated requests (tickets) are received and is not being pushed automatically to the appropriate views.
Impact: Some of our teams have very time sensitive SLAs. Each team is different, but some have 15 minute response times or less and deal with a high volume of tickets. They are currently using a lead triage model instead of the play functionality. (Play has a refresh rate of 5 minutes from the documentation which is 33% of one of our current SLAs and could still cause different Support Agents to have tickets appearing in different orders in their views.)
Current workaround: A Support Agent needs to click on each of the views to manually refresh them. This workaround is not very efficient and adds extra stress for our Support Agents.
How we would solve the problem: Add auto-refreshing capabilities similar to gmail.
Thank you for considering our request to help not only our teams but many other Support Agents.
댓글 133개
Marcelo Peixoto
Yes, please. Plus dark mode
Customer Support
This is a joke and should be implemented. There are other ticketing systems that are better and cheaper.
CJ Johnson
Salvador Vazquez Are there any updates on this issue? The last update was nearly a year ago, to say there's no plans for this. This is the #10 most upvoted feature without a decision made about it.
Is there a roadmap to view what zendesk is working on as well as expected delivery dates?
Sydney Neubauer
+1 as we also have very strict SLAs and when we move teams from Outlook to Zendesk, the expectation is that emails/tickets should show automatically and no action should be needed for Agents
Amanda Rice
+1 - we need this functionality and would appreciate any updates from Zendesk
Any news?
Any reason for no updates?
Any reason NOT to do this?
You have many fantastic solutions to make the agents work easier, quicker and less painful, but this is the easiest yet most critical feature you can implement.
+1 Please add this function. 🙏🏼
Ali Brubaker
Hi Zendesk,
The last official comment I see was from October, 2021. Has there been any update on the auto refresh functionality?
Jani Oksanen (Genelec)
We need to cancel some licenses if we don't get this sorted or any workaround for this.
Will Martin
I know it's not the ideal solution, but there is a new Chrome Extension that does automatically refresh the ticket views: ZenDesk Refresher
appreciate the suggestion, Will. I'm sure it will help some people out.
To Zendesk, this should still be a native feature within Zendesk. We shouldn't need to require every agent to download a third party extension.
We are migrating from Spiceworks to Zendesk. Spiceworks had this functionality and was very helpful to keep our team in alignment and not duplicate responses to the same tickets. Can you please add this functionality to Zendesk? Thank you!
Katie Murphy
+1 Would love to see this feature added. It's helpful to see everything as it comes in and not have to worry about refreshing. Thanks!
Maria Tentsou
Any plans of adding this soon? Are you actively working on it? Definitely need it for normal every day flow.
Sadly, I doubt it Maria Tentsou - this ticket was opened in May of '21, and all the pleas for what should be a DEFAULT feature have fallen on deaf ears.
James Swanson
Adding my vote "yes" for this. you mention "This solution may or may not be in Views though. There is no estimated time for a solution to this at the moment. "
i would imagine others here are in agreement when i say it MUST be in 'views'. Not to say it cant apply to other things but it must apply to Views. and regarding the time frame in which this gets done, you've been getting requests for this since May 2021. And its still no implemented. Many of us are well aware of project time lines and i think most would agree, a function as simple and as standard as an auto refresh, shouldn't take this long to implement. Especially considering virtually every other ticket system has auto refresh.
We have reached the end of our rope with this and are seriously exploring FreshDesk and HelpScout. It's just unbelievable that simple basic features like this aren't even being considered. Scratch that...these aren't even features - this is literally a bug.
Ryan Nguyen
It has been years but still no solution.
The workaround for this is to use 3rd party app (like "Lovely views" app on Zendesk Market Place) or Chrome extension (like Zendesk Auto Refresh). The former also reloads the view instantly when a ticket in that view is updated by other agent.
James Swanson
But the whole point is that we shouldn't have to use a 3rd party app or extension do perform a basic task like auto refresh that virtually all if not ALL other systems have
Daniel Hamrick
ITS BEEN LONG ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yenni Siskawati Hasbi
it is a must to auto refresh or else it impacts the SLA
Jacob C.
I keep seeing updates on this thread but I don't see any action being taken. Zendesk are you taking this thread seriously? Seems like a lot of frustrated customers. +1
Delyn Clifton
I want to add to this request for our Team.
Ntsako Masinge
This is a need especially if you are using omni-routing to route your email tickets. New emails don't auto assign immediately unless agent refreshes
Zac Garcia
Hi everyone!
Thanks for your passionate feedback around auto-refresh for Views. We’re still reading and taking it all in, and apologize for the length of time between updates. Based on the above, I’m picking up the following:
This being said, we’re building an experience to help agents get real-time visibility into their work. We’d love to get your feedback on where we’re headed. If you’re up for a conversation, please fill out this form and we’ll look forward to connecting with you! We’ll keep it open for the next 3 weeks, so please respond as soon as you can!
Automatic Refresh Feedback Form
I have no idea what to respond here. With all due respect, Zac, you're "picking up on the following"?
This thread has been open for 2 years, and there's others similar/older to it.
Zendesk is not the only support platform by far, and an automatic refresh is absolutely a given in any other support platform out there.
For us, this response is too little, too late. We're finalizing our move to HelpScout next week.
Georgi Panayotov
We connected many email addresses, we use omnichannel routing and all tickets created through emails are assigned automatically to the available agents, but without any notifications. They have to refresh their views to see them, which is not time efficient, it causes delays in support replies.
Georgi Panayotov
We tested the following Chrome extension and it seems to be working as expected:
Well, the day has finally come. I'm so excited to share that we're finally off of Zendesk. Moved to Helpscout earlier this month and it's been such a breath of fresh air. The point here isn't to promote HS, though.
Our whole support team is so glad we don't have to deal with the following issues any more (and, is very regretful we didn't make this change sooner) :
- This issue: The ticket views not automatically refreshing (seriously, how is this acceptable? It's 2023) No, a browser extension isn't an acceptable answer.
- Insane struggles with browser performance and autocorrect not working.
- Horrible/painful handling of CCs in tickets where multiple emails need to be Ccd in.
- Thoughtless handling of primary/secondary/multiple emails for a single contact. Basically, you can't give a contact multiple emails, you have to create a separate contact for each email they'd like to be notified at. Ridiculous.
In the years we've been with Zendesk, no new features have been added; and if anything, features have been "broken"/degraded. Zendesk is the most basic solution for ticket management, and cares not one bit about listening to their users. I hope to see even more solutions recognize this, listen to what their users need, and build more alternatives that make sense instead of using Zendesk.
I've been waiting for this day to be able to unsubscribe to this thread. Best of luck to all of you, and hope you find an alternative that works for you.