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Via object reference
2021년 3월 26일에 게시됨
This is a continuing discussion about the article Via object reference in the developer documentation.
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최근 검색 없음
2021년 3월 26일에 게시됨
This is a continuing discussion about the article Via object reference in the developer documentation.
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Megumi Nakamura
Hello, Darren Chan
Is there any definition of "original_recipients" in email from? I'd like to know when this parameter filled and what kind of value in it.
Bryan Flynn
Hi Megumi. Definitions for that attribute are here:
The Via Object
...with an example of what's returned here:
List Email CCs for a Comment
Megumi Nakamura
Hello Bryan, Thank you for the answer.
Is "original_recipients" always filled in the ticket via "email"? I found a ticket that does not have "original_recipients".
Bryan Flynn
Yes, this attribute is filled in when "email".
Andreas Loeber
I'm using the Zendesk API to create new tickets arrived in another ticketing system.
I try to use the "via" attribute to customize the displayed via text in the Zendesk front end's ticket detailpage. Whatever I set for the "via" attribute, it's replaced with "channel": "api" and in the front end the agents see "from Zendesk support"... actually there should be something like "from XY" so that our agents see where the ticket is actually coming from.
Is that somehow possible?
Bryan Flynn
Hi @...,
Setting "via" is very limited — in this case, because it sounds like you're going through POST /api/v2/tickets, the system sets it and you don't have control.
It's more of an indicator of the entry point into Zendesk (in this case the API), rather than what external system the data might be coming from.
Even for APIs that can set it (example: POST /api/v2/channels/voice/tickets.json) the options are limited.
Andreas Loeber
Hi @...
Thank you for your answer. This coincides with my observations.
As a solution I put some recognizable extra text in the ticket's subject so that our agents can recognize that the ticket's coming from external.
Customer Happiness
Hi. I am trying to get the email address that was used to complete a web_widget form, but it doesn't exist in the via>source>from attribute (as confirmed in the table above). The email address does existing on the ticket within ZenDesk, but I cannot see how to get it through the API. Can anyone shed some light on this please?
Customer Happiness
Perfect, that worked! Thanks so much
Greg Katechis
Hi @...! In order to get the email address in this case, you would need to pull the requester_ID attribute in Tickets and then you could make a request to the User's API to grab that from the email attribute.
Ak N
What would be the value for "channel" if a ticket is submitted after logging in to Zendesk? Would the value be different if the agent is using a web/mobile version of Zendesk?
My use case is to track the ticket activities performed by the agent after logging in to Zendesk(and not any other channels like email, API etc.)
Eric Gao
Hi Ak,
Ticket updates made by agents via the Zendesk Support UI (after logging in) will appear under a via channel of "web". It stands for the Web Form, which essentially means that the agents submitted the update on the ticket form through the web.
Eric G. Gao | Technical Support Architect | Zendesk
Agent Lowery
Is there a formal definition of the source object? The documentation I've found it's definitive.
Specifically, are the to/from field required and are they always objects?
top tig welders
Thank peeps for such a beautiful conversation.
Eric Nelson
Hey @...,
The via parameter as a whole isn't required. Though if you're going to use it, then yes you'll be wanting to include both the to/from fields (always as objects).