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Explore Metric Addition - Down Vote, Up Vote, Total Votes
2021년 5월 13일에 게시됨
We have a significant need for Explore to provide metric options for total votes, down votes, and up votes. Right now we must use Support > Reporting module in order to manually pull these metrics.
This would be a huge time savor for weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reporting.
댓글 32개
Orsolya Forster
Hi everyone, yesterday we started releasing the dataset improvements. You can read the announcement here, and you will all see the update no later than February 25. As always, I'm curious to hear your feedback on Guide reporting. This thread though, I'm marking as "Completed".
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
I just wanted to make sure that you know that the total votes against each article is a metric that is currently available. You should find that in Explore under Articles Viewed>Article Votes.
I agree that having both the up and down votes would be useful.
Служба поддержки Мокка
Article Votes has only AVG aggregator. We can't use it to get total amount of votes.
If we have 10 "+" and 10 "-" that will give 0 votes but not 20.
How to get this "20"?
Gary Mariscal
Hey @...
I attempted to create a standard calculated metric with the formula:
And then selected the SUM or COUNT aggregator
I have not confirmed accuracy.
Hi Mokka Admin,
As per this article: Metrics and Attributes for Zendesk Guide, the "Article Votes metric" is the average number of votes for your articles. Votes currently reflect the sum of upvotes and downvotes.
On your given example, the sum between 10 (positive) and 10 (negative) is 0. That being said, the Average vote will show as 0.
Sadly, there's not an option or a way to show only the positive or negative votes using reporting currently, however, as per checking with our team, this is something that we are already taking into consideration for our product roadmap.
For now, you can use our API to list all votes cast by a given user, or all votes cast by all users for a given article, article comment, post, or post comment.
GET /api/v2/help_center/{locale}/articles/{article_id}/votes
Your team can export the JSON data and convert it into a CSV file so you can see the actual upvotes and downvotes through a spreadsheet.
I hope that helps!
I agree with my fellow Zendesk users. Without being able to see total votes per article to determine statistical significance, or to calculate a "Helpful Rate" (up-votes/total votes), it's going to prove difficult to rapidly iterate and improve our knowledge base.
When will this capability be rolled out?
Kelsa Henry
In agreement with my fellow users, to say that the logic "On your given example, the sum between 10 (positive) and 10 (negative) is 0" - makes absolutely no sense. This is purely mathematically or what I view as "Net Votes".
Not Sum or Count.
What we need to know is how many users/visitors (unique or otherwise) actually interacted/engaged with our articles - in this case 20. In other words, 20 people took time to actually vote whether it be positive or negative.
Are we then to say that "the sum between 8 (positive) and 9 (negative) is -1"? As oppose to 17?
No. The sum should be 17. The Net should be -1.
Orsolya Forster
Thanks for all your feedback.
You're right, the current dataset only provides the net votes (average of upvotes and downvotes) and calculating them separately is not yet possible. As mentioned above by @..., you can fetch the upvotes and downvotes via the help center API.
Building the same capability for both the Knowledge Base and Community reporting is on our radar, and it is certainly one of our top priorities to include in future improvements. Once I can share more concrete details regarding the roadmap, I will update this thread.
Kind regards!
João Pedro Ougano•
Guys, this functionality would be a precious thing for us. The avg is a nice-to-have, but the exact amount of valuations provides me the opportunity to create a whole new world of metrics.
Pablo Cruz
Some Customers in Mexico City are asking if in our Explore roadmap we are considering to include the “positive votes” and “negative votes” Guide variables. So far we can have the “net votes” but they want to have very precise measure of their articles relevance. As Orsolya Forster said it is on radar and a top priority but ¿Is there a Q or date in which it could be planned to be realeased?
Orsolya Forster
Hi all,
Let me share the great news, both the Community dataset and the Knowledge base dataset will have the capability to track upvotes and downvotes separately.
The Community dataset release is planned in Q1, and the update on the Knowledge base dataset is planned in Q2. The metrics are coming soon, therefore I mark this thread as "Planned".
Julien Maneyrol
Hi Orsolya,
That's great news! Now I have a question: will it also be possible to apply time filters to the votes?
Let me explain: votes are currently the only means we have to measure an article popularity/accuracy (we only use Guide anonymously) and we need to see how an article popularity evolves on a monthly basis.
Having the possibility to get up, down or even net votes withing a month - and not since the article creation as it is now - would be of great help to us.
Best regards
Orsolya Forster
Hi Julien Maneyrol,
Once the metrics are included in the dataset, you can build custom queries if you have Explore professional plan or above.
As far as the default dashboard, I can't confirm that we can add this view in the next release, but I'll certainly mark your request so we can consider it for priorities.
Casey Birkholz
I am also trying to figure out the math on this. Looking at one specific article: The report says -204. When I check the source code on the article it says 23 up votes = -204 but 250-23 = 227 so where does the 204 come in?
Another issue: I had to figure out this is all-time votes, not past 30 days, even though I was looking at a report of the past 30 days, which showed 20 views and -204 votes. Since that doesn't make sense I changed the report to All History and see 10,000 views and -204 votes. This should be made clear or show the votes for the timeframe that the report is run instead of for all time. The way it is today the 2 columns do not make sense to be displayed next to each other (views over 30 days / votes from all time).
Orsolya Forster
Hi Casey Birkholz,
The current display of votes is indeed the current state value, not the votes the article received in the selected period.
Once we complete the update we're working on, you'll be able to see a timely break-down of votes and follow trends in both upvotes and downvotes separately.
Casey Birkholz
Thanks - that will be helpful. Could you shed light on the top part of my comment with the screenshot? How does 250 votes - 23 up votes = 204 downvotes when 250-23=227?
Based on Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Guide,
Using this logic, your article votes will not be counted as 250-23=227 but instead 23+(-227)=-204.
Amy Spagnolo
+ 1 on this feature - We need to report on voting and trends for content planning and this would be very useful :)
Juli Hackenberger
Hello Orsolya,
When will the separate up votes and down votes be available?
Hello, I want to see a list of every downvoted articles and to be able to view this by month and quarter. Could you please provide me with instructions on how to do so.
CJ Johnson
Naomi You cannot, that's why this is a feature request, unfortunately. Zendesk has said they will add the ability to see articles downvotes/upvotes "in the future" and marked it "planned", but nobody knows when/if it will actually be available to us to use.
CJ Johnson
Orsolya Forster Could we get an update on this? Your last update said this was coming in Q2, but it's now Q3 and this is still not available. Has the timetable changed? Is this still on the roadmap?
Orsolya Forster
Hello all,
Thanks CJ Johnson for flagging the missing update.
Adding new article metrics (upvotes and downvotes, comments and subscriptions) and the category attribute is an important milestone on our roadmap and the dataset update work is in progress. The release date will likely shift to early Q4, I will keep an eye on this thread and share more updates if they occur.
Besides being able to report on up- and downvotes, we need to report on time of vote as well. This will enable us to observe whether changes applied to articles are effective or not.
Here is one example, where this would be very important: An article needs updating. As it covers more than one topic, an additional article will be created. The original article will be updated accordingly.
A month later, I want to report on the votes of both articles. This is easy for the new article, as it did not have any previous votes. So the current vote avg is coherent with the past 30 days. However, I am not able to report the number of votes recorded on the first article during the past 30 days.
Orsolya Forster
Thanks for the feedback Laura,
Votes over time will be part of the upcoming release.
Carrie Boogaart
Will the vote breakdown (net/up/down) be available in Explore before your retire the old metrics from the Support Dashboard on January 24, 2023?
Orsolya Forster
Carrie Boogaart, yes, the update will be in place by the time we retire the Support dashboard.
Chris Brown
Following up on this! Has the ability to track total # of votes over a time frame been implemented into Zendesk Explore? Not the average, the total number of thumbs up, and the total number of thumbs down. Thank you!
Mantas Stanislovaitis