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Customizing Home Dashboard
2021년 10월 12일에 게시됨
I've been trying to customize the Home Dashboard but from my understanding this is not possible on Zendesk Support
I am referring to this view (see screenshot below yo avoid confusion):
Currently, I think this view doesn't bring/add any value to our work so I was wondering whether a customization (at admin level) of shown data and stats could improve what I can see.
I work as an admin on the Support app, which means I don't directly manage or reply tickets but I overview the work of the team and organize/optmize the agent workflow. It would be helpful to have an overview of the team agents instead of my statistics, which will be always zero since I don't work on tickets.
Aside on an old thread, I cannot find any resource on this particular topic and I am wondering if customizing for admin is possible (even in the future if this is a planned to release feature).
댓글 34개
Zac Garcia
Hi everyone! Thanks for the engagement on this thread over the past several months. I want to apologize for letting it fall off my radar and not offering more frequent updates, but thank you to Rafael Santos for sharing the Agent Home beta announcement and sign-up form!
Here’s an update on where we’ve been the past year:
Based on this feedback from this thread and other sources, we’ve launched a new Agent Home experience that addresses some (but not all) of the feedback shared here. The feedback shared here seems to center around relevancy of the dashboard data (specifically, that a lot of the dashboard data is not relevant, showing tickets or statistics that agents don’t need to view), and the desire to customize, since each business works a little differently.
The new experience addresses the relevancy aspect. We're aware of the needs around customization as well, but aren't ready to share timelines yet. The new Agent Home experience provides the following enhancements:
We hope this makes Agent Home more useful for use cases that the previous Dashboard didn’t support. Agent Home works best with Omnichannel Routing, allowing all conversations to be assigned automatically to the agent and displayed in Agent Home in a prioritized manner. There's a lot of feedback here about wanting to show custom fields and filter by brands - we’d love to hear how custom ticket fields and brand-based filtering play into this agent-centric, individualized workflow!
Dave Dyson
At present, the Support account home screen is not customizable. I'm moving your post to our Feedback on Support topic for visibility, and so other users can upvote and add their own comments (and feel free to add more information yourself, and/or reformat your post using our template to help ensure our product team has the information they need. Thanks!
Amy Lee
Hi there,
We would love to hear more about your use case! We will follow up via email. Thank you!
Margaret Boisvert
It would be great to allow the home dashboard to be configurable. As OP mentioned, different people use Zendesk in different ways and have needs for different levels of information
Jeremy Browne
I couldn't upvote this one enough. We use Zendesk with multiple brands configured and it would be great if I could filter the dashboard view to be specific to a brand.
Tewfik, Khaled
Definitely need this capability. At a minimum add columns showing such fields as Topic or add sections to further break down by Type.
Lucas Gray
Being able to customize each agents dashboard similarly to creating a 'view' would be very helpful.
Danny Phillips
Completely agree! I'll take it further, as the VP over my team, I would like to be able to see team, individual agent, and ticket statistics in real time without having to run a report or go count tickets manually. Or, let's say I have an escalation policy to make contact on bad survey tickets for my team. If I could see all bad survey tickets for my team, not just myself, be able to click that number and pull up a list of all bad survey tickets, it would save an enormous amount of time over a calendar year. The point of a home dashboard is to give you a snapshot of relevant information to inform of trends or problems. This dashboard is very lacking.
Philippe B.
Same thing here,
Our issue : Requester sends a new comment, gets back to the back of the line because we can't filter from date of ticket creation vs ticket update. So some department end up having tickets unanswered for + 5 days because customer reached again on a non-answer from us.
Dave Dyson
Imran Shareef
That's correct; we'd want the ability to customize the dashboard.
Alec Jagosz
I've had feedback from users that they would like to be able to customize the activity feed to include tickets they've been CC'd in. Is that kind of thing planned in any features?
John DiGregorio
This feature is definitely needed. As the Director of Global Support I want to be able to flag region, organization, etc. I also want to be able to hide the bar on the left of the screen that shows updates as I don't need them
Adam Kranich
Agreed. Dashboard is not useful for any level currently. A dashboard is supposed to provide useful, actionable info at a glance. Customization of the dashboard is needed. I have to go to Views to get more useful information.
I expected a higher level of useful customization from the premiere ticketing platform.
Zac Garcia
Hi everyone!
I'm Zac with our Product team. We're making the Dashboard better, with a focus on how it optimizes an agent's daily productivity. The vision is to make it a central, seamless space for agents to execute work, with less reliance on Views to get things done.
I'm looking forward to hearing more feedback about Dashboard customization. While customization itself is not on the roadmap in the near future, the Dashboard is due for some updates and I'd love to hear how you'd improve the it so we can make it a great experience out of the box.
In future replies to this thread, it would help me to read the following:
I'm open to conversations - just @ me here if you'd like to strike up a correspondence or jump on a Zoom.
Zac Garcia
Thanks to Philippe and Alec for some detailed and actionable feedback. I want to share a couple of things in response.
Philippe B. - we want to solve the problem of tickets falling to the back of the line. I'd be happy to chat some more about how we're thinking of sorting work in the new experience. How do you prefer to sort tickets? By "next SLA breach"? Last Updated by customer? Date of Ticket Creation? What's the primary efficiency metric you use in your contact center to help your team meet customer expectations?
Alec Jagosz - we plan for this experience to include CC's, as well as other relevant items for agents. I'd love to connect and talk about how your team use CC's, to make sure the experience is relevant and useful. For starters - when do you CC other agents on your team? Do recipients of a CC have an obligation to respond? If so, how do you track productivity for agents who respond to CC's, and does it factor into their performance KPIs? Do CC's need to show up indefinitely, or only until they are actioned?
Thanks for engaging here and I look forward to continuing this conversation!
Russ Milton
Agreed, i've been asked this question by many agents regarding the dashboard. They find the 'updates' on the left hand side entirely redundant (at least for us).
Any ability to add additional fields to the dashboard view or possibly default to a view per group/user would also be useful. I think it may be worth considering a 'following/cc' tickets tab at the top next to the dashboard tab. Would make light agent functionality easier to navigate

System Administrator
Hi! I just upvoted this and want to share my use case.
Currently we are introducing brands in our environment. I have 3 different support groups, and have set up ticket views so they only see the brand they are working with. However, on the home page, there are all recently created and unassigned tickets, so it could be from potentially all three brands. I have various skill levels working on these tickets and within Zendesk. Our 'story' is three companies coming together. The home page with the tickets is confusing, and could potentially cause people to grab tickets they shouldn't be working, or tickets being assigned to the wrong person, etc.
Erica Dunstan
Hi, we would like the ability to change the default from the home page to the ticket view.
Shayan Moussawi
Hello there Zac Garcia,
Is the redesign of the agent home dashboard still in development? And if so, is there an EAP planned any time soon?
Some things that would help us for the agent dashboard to replace views would be:
Helmm Member Services - Sterling L
Zac Garcia
We desperately need the ability to sort by next SLA breach and include the next SLA breach column.
Stefan Kossian
We need the functionality to change the grouping and sorting. We are a software support and have there usual priorities we cannot work with the default priorities.
The only reason why the employees work with the thing is to display the CSAT value.
Claudia L
Hi, the dashboard is so confusing, there are still notification of tickets that are resolved which they do not need attention for. The agent should be able to choose which notification they would want to keep as reminder and with a X check close the ones that are no more accurate. As per this article https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408882039450-Working-with-tickets- we should be seeing only notification for New or Open status ticket but we are seeing them as well for the Solved tickets .. What is the rule exactly of the dashbord notification ? Thank you, claudia
I agree. I don't find this option useful. I would like to disable it.
Thank you!
Keelan Pannell
This would be a great option to be able to amend this page to make it more useful for agents/light agents. It's hard to find followed tickets and get an overview from his login dashboard page.
Rafael Santos
Zendesk has announced a new Agent Home (beta)
EAP Sign-Up info here
Carlota Bergillos
We would like to be able to add a column to the Solved view in the Agent's Dashboard Home with one of our ticket fields.
Bruce Williams
Without customization, the dashboard is just more clutter. Everyone's requirements are different. The updates pane is a complete waste of space and information for OUR use case, however it may be different for others. I want to disable the updates pane and put more info in the ticket listing. I have custom fields and need these here, otherwise the use case is useless for OUR use case.
The good and bad are useless for OUR use case. All our tickets are generated from incoming emails, and we do not use any surveys on the platform.
The point is that everyone will have different needs, so either it needs to be fully customizable, or at a minimum allow us to turn it off. If it does not meet our needs, we can disable and handle our workflows thru View which are customizable. It may be better for Zendesk to spend their development resources to enhance the customization capabilities of Views, rather than try to duplicate the functionality on the Dashboard.
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Rob Johnson
We would like to disable the home dashboard to force our agents to go to the Views we have set up for them.