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How to create a new blob from attachment.contentUrl on ZAF


2021년 5월 25일에 게시됨

Hi everyone,

I was trying to use comment.attachments() to get the attachment file from the comment, however it doesn't return the real File, it's just return the details of the attached file.

So I am thinking to create a new File by making a new blob file from attachment.contentUrl(), but I can't get it since I got CORS error when I am trying to get it using the fetch function.

This is my code:

this.ticketObj = await parentClient.get('ticket')
const attachmentObject = this.ticketObj.ticket.comment.attachments
const blobFile = await fetch(attachmentObject[0].contentUrl).then(r => r.blob())
const uploadFile = new File([blobFile], attachmentObject[0].filename, { type: attachmentObject[0].contentType })
I got the CORS error on the blobFile.
Any idea what I am missing?
Thank You.



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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi avdnowhere,

We suggest that you check How can I troubleshoot CORS? as a guide in troubleshooting CORS errors.

All the best!



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