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Track up/down votes by translation article

2021년 10월 19일에 게시됨

I'm not really sure if you'd consider this Guide, Explore, or API, but it applies to all three, so I'm going with the source of the data, Guide, as my Feedback choice. 

Feature Request Summary: 

Zendesk should track the up and down votes on articles, specifically by translation. 

Description/Use Cases: 

Currently, votes are tracked en-masse for all translation URLs of an article. This makes it impossible to tell if an article got 10 down votes on the German translation specifically, or if the 10 down votes were spread across languages. 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

Without tracking per language, it is impossible to tell if a specific translation of an article is doing poorly, versus an article in general. This is important, because it adds work and an amount of unknowableness to voting that makes targeting articles to improve harder, to impossible. What if your Russian article was accidentally translated to Ukrainian, and is generating a lot of downvotes? Sure, you could load the article in every language and see if anything stands out as bad on each one, but you probably aren’t fluent in every language you provide support for, and may not be able to recognize a bad translation, a missing paragraph, or what have you, in every single language. Even if you do find something, you have no way to check if that was the article translation that was getting the downvotes.



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Orsolya Forster

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi CJ Johnson ,

Thanks for your feedback on Guide reporting. As you stated as well, it's a Guide area, where we collaborate closely with Explore to bring you the best experience.

Tracking up and down votes is a capability which we don't yet have in the Guide reporting, however, it's definitely high on our list to improve in the product. You can read more details and follow updates in this community thread.
In case you'd like to track the votes per translation language, you can use the Article translation language attribute in the Guide knowledge base dataset, and you should be able to track the individual articles translations' views and votes (net votes for now).

See the screenshot below.

I hope I could help. 


Hi Orsolya Forster

Thanks, but as I mentioned in my post, the article votes, like the one in your screenshot, is the sum of votes for all votes for that article ID, *regardless* of the translation language of the article when the vote was made. That's why I posted this request. You cannot see the votes by translation, that highlighted article ID vote count, you would see 1 vote for that article regardless of the translation language you look at. 


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Orsolya Forster

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi CJ Johnson,

Thanks for the detailed feedback. I think I see what you're getting at.

Currently, it's a Guide functionality that votes are captured on the article ID level, not on a translation level, therefore, reporting will also give the unified results for each article translation. E.g. if you cast a vote on a specific translation of the same article (ID), all the published translations will receive that vote. This is the product logic which is also reflected in reporting.
If you look at the example below, you will see that the dataset could track each article translation individually, what is missing is the functionality to track votes per translation:

I capture your feedback as a potential product improvement on our roadmap. Let me know if you have any questions.
Many thanks for your contribution!


Upvoting this and following up on potential workarounds 


I also support this, often translations are not the exact same version of the Source article, so it is key we can segregate the translation/version that performs better than the rest.

If the Polish article is doing better than English, then we would adjust the English one following the Polish.


This is badly needed. With our company supporting 14 languages, we are in the dark on this...


This has again been pushed down the road for articles in general, out to "maybe Q4" now. 


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Orsolya Forster

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi CJ Johnson,

I see that you posted my comment from a different thread, so I'm following up with a clarification. Since the ability to count votes on individual translations is not yet supported by Guide (see my previous post above), our reporting is also not capable to track the count per translation language. Although I understand that this is a very needed capability, I can't yet share an update for the release. What I can share is that we're investigating various solution options as we speak, so we can include this development on our roadmap soon.

 The upcoming knowledge base dataset release (Q4) will cover improvements on vote tracking; incl. upvotes and downvotes over time however, votes per translation will not yet be supported by this update.

I will certainly update this thread once I have more concrete to share about the progress. Thanks for all your feedback and contribution.



Following up on this, did the knowledge base dataset release come out, and does it track upvotes and downvotes over time? We had that capability in legacy reporting but that's being taken away, and I don't see it in explore


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