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Agent "Total Online Time" reporting.
2019년 1월 23일에 게시됨
Now that you are switching to Explore, there has to be a simple way to run reports on agent "time online" and "time available" in talk.
How are we supposed to know how effective agents are if we don't have any historical report to show if they were even logged in as available!
This is a basic request that is long overdue. PLEASE make sure it is added asap.
Thank you
댓글 127개
Anastasia Kachanova
@Tom ideally we need to see agent statuses with timeframes during the shift (e.g. agent 1 was online from X to Y, on away from X too Y etc. ) also Chat analytics are not available if you're using messaging.
Tom Erik Skjønsberg When was an agent online waiting for a chat? When was that same agent listed as away? How much of agent's day was spent serving chats?
You can see some of this by hovering over each day, but you can't see an aggregate view or the exact times agents moved in and out of these statuses. You can see the below info in the dashboard, but not in Explore reporting at all from what I can find.
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Anastasia Kachanova Kelli
Open Zendesk Chat, and then on the left hand menu go to Analytics
When on the Analytics screen, in the top right corner, you have the Download CSV button
Once that is open, you can select the time frame you want. If you want hourly data, it is limited to 7 days back. If you want daily data it is limited to 90 days back. Select the time frame and interval you want, then download. The CSV files are sent to you in e-mail attachments. These files give the data you are asking for.
It is cumbersome and a hassle, and in no way a replacement for proper reporting in an actual reporting tool, but for now it is what Zendesk is able to provide, as it is apparently extremely challenging for them to provide basic KPIs in their own reporting tool.
I get how to do the export. I've done that. It doesn't provide what I'm saying I need. Tom Erik Skjønsberg. Where in that export do you get information on agent status?
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
It is not very straight forward unfortunately Kelli.
In the file "status_sessions_<insert string>" which you can find in the zip file event_analytics you will find timestamped status changes and how long was spent in that status for all agents (duration provided as seconds in the file). So you can see when they were online, offline, away or invisible. Then, after converting the timestamps to a format Excel can understand, you can either create a pivot table or import the csv file in to your favourite tool supporting csv imports to get a readable report for each agent.
It's a massive hassle, and something that Zendesk should have been able to provide years ago, but for now it's what we have.
First, THANK YOU Tom Erik Skjønsberg. That's exactly what I needed. The way my gmail works, I didn't scroll down far enough to realize there is a second separate email with another zip file. When you provided the name of the zip file, that is what made me realize this! I was only ever seeing the first zip file chat_analytics.
Second, sharing a bit of hopefully helpful info. I saw what you mean about the date and time being a string instead of datetime in Excel. I found that if you copy/paste the data into Google Sheets, it reads it correctly and makes it a usable datetime field without formulas and whatnot. Then you just need to add or subtract your timezone difference. For me, we are currently 5 hours different, so I needed to subtract by 5hr/24hr = 0.2083 of a day. Basically this is just saying 5 hours is 0.2083 of a day so sheets knows to take that from the time. (If you just -5, you'll subtract from the days instead of the time.)
Karen Hynes
Hello everyone! I am thrilled to announce that agent state historical reporting has reached GA! Please see this announcement for more information.
If you have any product feedback about this feature, or another area on Explore, we would love to hear from you! Please create a new post in our Explore forum using this template to share your thoughts; our product feedback team will log and review every piece of feedback that comes through.