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Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation

예정되지 않음

2009년 10월 22일에 게시됨

Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.

Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address.  This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.

Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.



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Like I posted above, I am doing this via the API so it seems the system is already setup to do such a thing.  The issue seems to be in the Edit Trigger UI since it is doing some validation on the field for add CC and will not allow end users to be added.

Seems to be a relatively trivial change from a technical approach unless there is some nefarious angle or potential circular reference problem that could put it into an infinite loop.  Although other scenarios like that are detected in Triggers already. 

If anyone needs to setup triggers for this I would be happy to share the python script or at least the endpoint and payload I am sending to it.  Since, in most cases, you "set and forget" the trigger, this might be a good workaround in the meantime.


@Lou Gallo,

I'd love to get a copy of your API call payload and the endpoint you send it to for this Lou. Not sure how to contact you directly though through here. 

I guess it's not something that you can just post into this comment thread?



@Christopher Hopper

To create this you will need to provide a name for the trigger, the rules and the actions as you do in the UI.  In my example I am looking for tags but you can reference the api docs to give you the appropriate payload options for rules and actions.

Here are the details:

  • POST request to endpoint:
  • Payload:
    `{'trigger':{'title':'<title of your trigger>','all':[{'field':'current_tags','operator':'includes','value':'<tag names>'},{'field':'update_type','value':'Create'}],'actions':[{'field':'cc','value':<email for the trigger>'}]}}

Reference: https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/core/triggers

Works great and since I am not creating triggers every day, I made this as a python script that asks me for the details like name, email etc and It does the rest.


So 7 years in and still this functionality does not exist..

This is very common with Zendesk.  It is simple, we receive a ticket from a notification group that does not receive replies. I want to say add CC of this one email address to the ticket so they can monitor it.

7 years later no answer to it other than write custom script. 


@Chris Boxsell

I have recently implemented something very similar myself from various other posts and snippets.

Would you like my documentation and screen shots on how this is achieved?



Hi Pierre,

I am looking at what Graeme Carmichael did but if you have a better method it would be much appreciated.

What gets me is that Zendesk are doing nothing about this. 

Thank you for spending the time to respond let alone offer options. Thanks!!


7 years, and the status still says Planned.


Wanted to make sure everyone on this thread aware of this:




+1 on this request

We need to be able to CC based on brand, organization, etc.


This could be an amazing review! Can you give us a date?



An obvious feature would be to automatically add a partner or account team per customer/organization to ensure they've always got full visibility on any case/communication for their accounts.

Most other CRMs I've worked with (no names) have this functionality.



Why is this still not possible? 

We could use this functionality. There are multiple threads in this community asking for this functionality. For years. Several years.

How hard can it be to change the field from a drop-down to just a text field? Just let us type in the email address if you can't figure out a better way to do it. Even if it was a text field with no validation whatsoever it would be better than not letting us have any way to do this.



This would be a useful feature for us as well as we have a 3rd party engineering team that could be notified on email by a trigger if we tag a ticket with an "engineer" tag for example.

Disappointed to see this post has been ongoing for 5 years without progress, so not getting my hopes up that this will be implemented any time soon :(


Greetings.  I think this may help if your business case matches ours.

We need to be able to "bounce" or forward a ticket onto a 3rd party who isn't a Zendesk user.  We want the 3rd-party group to be able to comment on the ticket and have their response visible to the original requester (our employee) and the Support Agent.  

Facing solutions fraught with unnecessary complexities, we instead did the following: 

  1. Created a Macro that added a unique tag
  2. Created an HTTP Target, dogfooding the Zendesk Ticket API
  3. Created a Trigger to invoke the Target based on the tag
  4. Added a 2nd tag to prevent the trigger from firing on next updates

Here's how:

  1. We created a "Bounce to Group XYZ" Macro, which adds a tag specific to the 3rd-party - i.e. "group_xyz."  The tag is added when a Support Agent wishes to manually bounce the ticket to our XYZ folks, but still wants the requester to be part of the conversation.
  2. Created an HTTP Target (Extensions >> Targets >> Add Target >> HTTP) with the PUT verb and JSON content type.  The URL is the Ticket API endpoint with a placeholder tag for the TicketID: https://yourdomain.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{{ticket.id}}.json.
  3. Created a "Route Request to XYZ" Trigger, which fires upon both a ticket update and when the "group_xyz" tag is present.  The trigger immediately adds an extra tag to flag that the request was dispatched.  Subsequent ticket updates don't fire the trigger because it checks for the absence of the dispatch flag.
  4. The Trigger payload (JSON body) includes the additional CC user(s) and a comment for the new CC user(s) to see: {"ticket": {"additional_collaborators": [ { "name": "Group XYZ", "email": "group@xyz.com" } ], "comment": { "body": "Ticket #{{ticket.id}} assigned to [Group XYZ] from [{{ticket.requester.name}}] by [{{ticket.assignee.name}}]." }}}

This is a simple use case for using the Zendesk API, which is very robust.  Hopefully we'll be able to continue using it this way because it's an ideal workaround.






We use Zendesk for our invoicing.  These invoices come from an automated/no reply system. 95% of invoices from a certain supplier do not need anything.  But where there a price discrepancies we need to cc our billing agent and make other changes to the ticket...


Being able to cc end-user in macro would be AMAZING!  Why couldn't it just be a lookup text box like the cc box on a ticket is?  It seems so simple!


Seems so simple and yet still no answer from Zendesk. How many more requests does this feature need Zendesk. We are owed an answer!


I'am looking forward to this "new feature". I do hope that Zendesk will consider making this change.


+1 for this also. We are finding senior users at our customers want to keep in the loop on what their team is doing, and an easy solution for this would be great.



We use hundreds of different Macro's and for a lot of them a standard CC would be a blessing. This would save us time, effort and most importantly saves us the risk of agents forgetting to fill in the CC or filling in the wrong email address.

I understand this might be much more difficult in the back end than most of us (including myself) think it is, but surely the technical teams at Zendesk must be able to figure something out over a period of 7 years?



Zen, please answer why we cannot CC a customer in an automation. All we need is to add a CC for new tickets to a specific user in that organization.




I have a solution for CC-ing any person internal or external based on a custom field. I have achieved this so its automatic, based on the selected value of a field. E.g; Ticket is created > Customer is XYZ > CC customer(s)

Anyoneone interested.. I'm documenting it now.



Please share.


Agreed.  Pierre, I'd love to see what you've come up with. 


Ok. Will upload procedure / set-up tommorw now. Need to remove private details. Same time 16:00 GMT



@Pierre Merrien I'm interested in your solution as well.  Thanks in advance!


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

That's great, Pierre!

Can you please post your solution as a tip in our Tips & Tricks forum? It'll be easier to find that way, instead of being buried in the comments here. Maybe you were already planning to make it a tip. :)



I've been following this one for a while. Then when someone mentioned the Tips and Tricks forums, I took a look.

This post seems to explain how to address the issue, in a sort of workaround, using a custom field, trigger and action.



Hi everyone,

If your interested, the post on the CC user option is here:






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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Awesome! Thanks for posting it, Pierre!


Com a esperança que um dia será implementado, devido ao tempo que este tópico em aberto, eu também preciso muito desse recurso.




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