Round Robin assignment


2009년 5월 28일에 게시됨

It would be nice to be able to setup an Automation or a Trigger that \*automatically\* assigned new / unassigned / or tickets in a praticular group to an agent using a Round Robin algorithm.  We currently use an APEX app in SalesForce that does this.  I am using the Zendesk suggestion of a "First Line" group where an agent can then assign those tickets to another agent.  \*But\*, our other help desk operators are greatly suspicious of any human that tragically chooses to play that "assigner" role and inevitably plot their demise. If this type of automation is possible using the exiting features, please do share.  :-)



댓글 157개

+1 again




+1: Add me to the list for this feature as well. Major issues with our team cherry-picking the easy requests.


I was weary waiting for this feature so I built a simple solution in Google Docs.

The Google Docs script and spreadsheet I created is just an example of an automated round-robin assignment process for Zendesk. It is particularly easy to use and modify as it is built entirely in Google Docs and GAS (Google Apps Script). It uses a simple spreadsheet to manage the support team members participating in the round-robin assignment, and it uses the Zendesk API (v2). Plus, it can be fully automated - a lights-out process that just looks at your recently submitted tickets, finds the ones that are unassigned and assigns them based on the team queue.



Would love to see this functionality as well.


Really want to see this functionality at some point. It factors in with high and low ticket volumes. With high volume it's hard for agents to know where to go so this gives them some more direction when say 5 agents are on with a volume of 400 tickets and 80 have been auto-assigned to them.

Then on the flip-side with low volume it gets tedious having to spam the refresh button in the new Zendesk (since an auto-refresh plugins in a browser really jack things up with the new Zendesk). So, in this case, auto-assigning helps distribute the work evenly without agents having to spam that refresh button to see if there are new tickets. :)

That said, are there any plans for the new Zendesk layout to auto-refresh? That'd be wicked helpful.





Hey All,

We have developed a solution for this using Google spreadsheets/Apps Script and it's available to everyone for free!

Take a look here:

Let me know if you have any questions!



It would be really nice to have round robin automation available natively.  Zendesk's competition is doing it already.  I would hope they see the light at some point or lose customers because of it.


Hi all,

Seeing the interest of Zendesk community for automatic tickets assignment and agent load balancing, I want to share our solution which solves these tasks.

Check it out

I hope it's helpful. 


^ Has anyone given Serge's app a shot? Looks promising!


I've tried it
For my task it works fine!


I have been looking into this for a while as my team still complain that it happens. Is this Round Robin a free service or just a free trial?

Any word from Zendesk about an official solution? I know that Freshdesk does it.


Hi Pete,

We have no plans to add an official round robin solution. That being said, I am currently working on a project to help prevent agents from cherry-picking tickets out of views. More to come in the next few months!



Thanks for the quick reply Erin, that sounds perfect! I don't really want to force round robin on them but I am coming to the end of my tether with the cherry picking!



How's that cherry-picking project coming?


Hi Darron,

Whoops! We're actually fairly close to launching a feature that... we're still naming. Right now I call it "Play-only" agents, and it basically lets you designate certain custom roles as only being able to play through views. We've had it in beta for a few months now. If you'd like to jump on the bandwagon, feel free to sign up at!



Hi all,

I wanted to let you know that we've just launched a feature called Guided mode that is designed to help prevent agents from cherry-picking tickets. It is not a round robin model, but I think you'll find it useful. Learn more about Guided mode on our announcement.



Thanks for the update Erin, is this the official release of the Play Only mode that I and others have been beta testing?


Hi Pete,

Yep! We renamed it, but otherwise it's the play-only agents feature you've been using. :)



Great! It is an excellent feature and I recommend everyone having the same ticket skipping issues that I am seeing in my team try it.


Hi there! I'm just popping into various relevant topics to say that we're starting a research project focused on ticket assignment workflows. If anyone reading this is interested in participating during the April/May 2017 timeframe, I've got a sign-up link where you can provide contact details. Thanks!


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Leah Hughes

Zendesk Employee

Hi everyone, 

We realize this is a big issue for our customers and we have plans to solve for this need. We'll update this thread again once we have more info we can share!


Any Update about Round Robin issue?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Erkin -

I can confirm that building out a feature to solve for the issue of "Round Robin" ticket assignment is currently planned for later this year. We don't have any more specifics we can share publicly at this time, but the product team working on it has said that they'll post updates to this thread as more information becomes available.


Wow, can't believe this feature request will be turning 12 in a couple of weeks.  It's almost a teenager!  Time sure does fly!  @... are there any updates on when this is being rolled out?


Hi Zendesk, can you share an update for this? Thanks!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Jon and Josh - 

This continues to be planned for development later this year. No new updates at this point in time. 


Hi Nicole,

That is very exciting to hear! This is definitely something our team is looking to leverage.


Can't wait for this!

Will follow this thread for updates. :)


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