Up-spec your C-Sat with Mr. Smiley and Mr. Sad!
Community Moderator
2016년 7월 18일에 게시됨
We've recently made some modifications to our C-Sat automation.
This is how the new email looks...
Want to know how?
- If you haven't already - activate 'Customer satisfaction surveys' (info here)
- Download the smileys below and upload these as assets to your helpcenter (or host them elsewhere)
- Navigate to Settings > Automations - and locate the 'Request customer satisfaction rating' automation
- Select to Edit this
- Change the notification to requester with the info below - don't forget to substitute your image location.
<span style="padding: 0px ; line-height: 18px; font-family: 'Lucida Grande',Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color:#444444;">
Our {{ticket.group.name}} team recently completed your request - <strong>{{ticket.title}}</strong>
<h3 style="font-size:16px;">How did our performance make you feel?</h3>
<h5>Please click an image below to rate our service</h5>
<a href="{{satisfaction.positive_rating_url}}" alt="Happy"><img src="https://p5.zdassets.com/hc/theme_assets/YOUR IMAGE LOCATION/happy-face.png"></a><a href="{{satisfaction.negative_rating_url}}" alt="Sad"><img src="https://p5.zdassets.com/hc/theme_assets/YOUR IMAGE LOCATION/sad-face.png"></a>
<h4 style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;">Not sure what this relates to?</h4>
Here's a reminder of what your request was about:
And that's about it! We've had good response to this.
Obviously you can modify the message and add extra rules to suit your requirements.
댓글 58개
Andrew J
Thanks Chris, I might have to dig out one of my versions. We created one that repeated the positive link in a relatively hidden method below the images, this meant that the last link autofollowed was positive rather than negative. Presuming you have mostly positive this works much better. An extra 5 positives in a hundred doesn't impact your score nearly as much as an extra 5 on top of 3 negatives.
Thanks Andrew, in the end I did use Chris' code, and it came out well, other than that extra positive-vote-hidden-image-link. It didnt appear in the email and instead i saw the ugly icon for the image that cannot be found.
Do you guys think it would work the same if I put style="display:none" in the HTML?
Andrew J
Not sure, I expect not. Besides Outlook is no great respecter of css.
I think we decided to use a few ---- as the link instead of an image. This shows as a small divider between the images and whatever is below.
Has anyone tried incorporating something like this solution within macros, to send CSAT with each public ticket comment?
In my tests, I am able to click "good" and brought to the good rating screen with "your rating has been saved" but the ticket does not store the CSAT rating for the agents to see unless I, as the customer, click "update" on the rating screen.
It seems that these positive and negative placeholders only work/the ratings only save if a customer has already rated the ticket?
Andrew J
Hello Justin. I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to achieve, or what is going wrong, however it doesn't seem to be anything to do with the modification in this tip. Possibly open a new thread with your question.
CSat is designed to be sent after ticket solve, and primarily only once.
Link to your new post here so I can have a look at it for you.
Sorry for the delay. I was able to get that figured out, but now when running some tests with the positive/negative placeholders, the links bring users to a page asking them to sign in. Is this a known issue?
Christopher Silver
Hey there! I'm trying to implement this, as well with the edits found in the thread of comments, and I can't seem to get it to function properly.
It looks like it tried to reference the asset hosted within the help center but doesn't appear to populate on the user side.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Andrew J
Hello Christopher, test that you can reach the asset directly via an incognito tab. also the user will need to allow pictures.
The file location path may have changed as this was written some time ago now.
Andrew J
Justin, I am not aware of any issue with the placeholders. Make sure you are not testing as an agent (agents can't rate tickets), and ensure you have CSAT enabled.
Christopher Silver
Thanks Andrew! Finally got it to work out now I'm just working on configuring this for non-gmail access points.
Any help with getting this to be set up right for Dynamic Content (including the updates for the display issues in Outlook) would be appreciated!
Andrew J
I thought it worked ok in Outlook. The biggest issue was ensuring there was a hidden 'positive' link after the sad face to avoid false bad ratings when link checking filters follow them.
The original one we made still is working, though may have been tweaked. I do not have access to this any more as I have changed roles since this was created.
Hi all,
I'm trying to add images instead of text and links (I'm satisfied / I'm not satisfied). I don't know how get it.
I know that zendesk does not help in giving support in code editing. But I'm not being able to open the console to edit all this code, or at least, I can't find the fragment.
I'm beginner in that, I read too much articles and I haven't find a solution. Can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot!
Søren Poulsen
Hi Andrew or Chris (Or anyone else who can help me out here)
I went ahead and implemented this solution to our system. I am facing the issue though, that it still seems that we get unwanted negative ratings that are definitely positive (Reached out to a few of these suspicious ratings and got my suspicion confirmed) I was wondering if you would be able to locate any issues with my setup here?
I am really hoping for any feedback, Thanks!
Andrew J
@Søren Poulsen - doesn't look like an issue with your setup.
Can you confirm if the followups if the unexpected negatives were supposed to be positives, or if they were not aware of reacting at all to the email?
Søren Poulsen
Thank you for coming back to me Andrew. Let me investigate and respond back here.
I actually had another question - Would it make sense to simply have a redundant <a> tag as the last one instead of either good/bad? So instead of skewing the ratings simply make sure that the outlook auto clicks are simply redirected to something redundant?
And on another note: I see a large increase in CSAT ratings from this change which is so good! I estimate an increase of roughly 80%. Thanks for that!
Andrew J
The increase in the number of ratings is typical of this - people much prefer pics to text.
A redundant link would not fix the issue - as I understand, some mail systems are following every link - the idea of having the repeat satisfied link is to ensure the last link followed is a good, not a bad. You could swap the happy and sad around, but the feel is not right. This may of course result in extra goods, but unless you run on a really bad average, a few extra goods don't skew the stats nearly so badly (and no-one minds an extra good or two on their record!)
Andrew J
Actually surprised we haven't seen a native version of this - the text version gets really lame looking for regular users who see it all the time. Sorry Zendesk, but it's true! Also the native text version must be picking up some unexpected negatives too.
Søren Poulsen
So I reached out to a few more people with suspicious bad ratings. They all say, that they did not click on anything, so it seems like Outlook is not setting a good rating by default but still a bad rating.
I.e, This is not mis clicks but ratings that come out of nowhere.
I am wondering if it has to do with the length of my email maybe. So maybe we have a similar challenge like Gmail that clips a message and therefore the last link is really the bad rating. Just a thought. Thank you for your answers and a great solutio to an optimized CSAT system :)
Søren Poulsen
So I have a new theory. My <a> tag in the end with a good rating has the img src set to:
If you visit that, it is obviously an unsecure link. I am suspecting that coorporate outlook email clients will not attempt to follow that link at all.
Any suggestions to an alternative img src? :)
Sara Petersilie
Is it possible to collect a customer's feedback immediately after they choose either 'good' or 'bad' or have the option for a comment box directly in the email message?
In Zendesk's chat function, a customer is able to choose either 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' at any point in the conversation, and is able to leave a comment directly in the message box instead of being redirected to a separate open tab in order to 'complete' the survey as seen below.
Is there a way to achieve this in email messaging? Or, is there a way to have the customer submit a 'good' or 'bad' rating without asking them for further feedback?
For instance, if they click 'good' or 'bad' then it would send the feedback immediately without prompting the customer further.
Looking forward to your insight on this!
Andrew J
@... - so it does seem that the issue is auto-following of links. You could try removing the last good, and switching the initial good and bad around for a bit - if you are cleverer than me (not very hard), you might find a way to reverse these in the code without reversing them in the appearance.
Yasmany Campos
Hello good morning, can you change the description of the satisfaction or add a new one? Thank you
Andrew J
@yasmany, that is not an option in the basic Zendesk version, unless you are happy to only change the email content, which is it what I understand you are meaning.
To change the survey descriptions or add options, you'd need to use a third party survey provider, which is not particularly difficult, but this won't feed back into the Zendesk metrics.
Dave Dyson
As Andrew mentioned, there are some limited ways that satisfaction surveys can be customized. For some examples, see Customizing your customer satisfaction survey
Additionally, Zendesk provides the ability to add customizable Satisfaction Reasons so that users can select an option for why they chose to give a Bad satisfaction rating -- see Working with satisfaction reasons
And finally, as Andrew also mentioned (thanks Andrew!), there are third-party options available that can provide greater customization options, in the Zendesk Marketplace
Taisa Ferreira
Onde eu consigo colocar este código personalizado para a pesquisa de satisfação?
Dália Santos
De acordo com o passo a passo disponibilizado pelo Andrew, é necessário incluir o código na sua automação que envia a pesquisa de satisfação.
o passo 3, utilizando o caminho do Espaço de Trabalho do Agente seria: Central de Administração > Objetos e Regras > Regras de negócios > Automações. É só seguir com os outros passos 4. e 5.
Bianca Alves Barbosa da Silva
Essa configuração só funciona para o E-mail?
Posso colocar essa pesquisa personalizada no chat de outros canais (WhatsApp, facebook, instagram, web widget)? Se sim, como?
Diogo Maciel
Esta configuração é válida apenas para tickets do canal email. Não é possível implemetá-la em outros canais no momento infelizmente.