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Attachment link in Explore report

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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

2022년 7월 01일에 게시됨

I am looking for a way to pull out the attachment link to include in ticket reports from Support. If anyone has a way to do this it would be highly appreciated.

What I am looking for is to include links for all attachments in a ticket as a separate column. So I have i.e. the following information:

Ticket ID - Reason dropdown value - Product dropdown value - link to image attachments customer sent in

Been trying to look for a way to do this, but I'm getting stuck. At the moment agents are manually adding links to a shared file, which is sort of a mess to sort out when preparing reports for some delivery partners.



댓글 2개

I would love to be able to do this, pulling pictures for training would be invaluable 


Also pulling dates when attachments were added would be very hepful, either on the ticket events or in Explore


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