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Surfacing chat for specific users (premium)

2024년 3월 06일에 게시됨

Hello. We want to be able to use live chat for our premium subscribers. The issue I am running to is figuring out how to surface this chat only for people who fall into this group. The other thing that makes this tricky is that we want to be able to still use webform for all other communication. It seems like messaging would be the best option to surface live chat to a user that falls into this category, but it seems like if a person that isn't a premium user doesn't qualify for chat, their request will come in via email and not have the option to use one of our webforms. 

The goal is to:

  • Surface chat for users who are premium subscribers (currently identified by a tag)
  • Keep non premium subscribers from using live chat
  • Still have webform as an option for all users

Thank you!



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JR Lausin

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Lala,
We do have an article that will guide you to your desired behavior. 


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