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ZAF api apps

2024년 11월 29일에 게시됨



I have a question about the Zaf app for ticket editor. I am using ticket.editor.insert to insert a string, which contains markdown/HTML text for the link (e.g., `[hello](https://test.com)`).


The documentation does mention the sanitation and removal of html and/or css. Is there any way to do this so the text `hello` becomes a linkable text rather than a plain text `[hello](https://test.com)`.


For Zendesk api, I could specify the html_body parameter which resolves the issue but I don't see similar functionality for the ZAF app for the ticket editor.


Thanks in advance!



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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Mario,
You can actually include HTML links in the value when using ticket.editor.insert.  However, whether or not it is supported depends on the ticket channel.  Live channels like chat and messaging do not support rich text replies, while other channels (web form, email, etc) do.  That's really what accounts for the discrepancy in behavior that you're seeing.  You can always use the ticket.editor.capabilities object to check whether the current channel supports rich text before performing the insert.


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