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Zac Garcia

가입한 날짜: 2021년 5월 06일


마지막 활동: 2025년 2월 27일

Zendesk Product Manager





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님의 최근 활동 Zac Garcia

Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Daniel! Thanks for this feedback. Is this feedback about the new Agent Home experience?

If so, currently the agent will have access to all the tickets assigned to them, via Agent Home. This is similar to how Guided Mode operates with Views, as Francis described above (with Guided Mode, the agent always has access to a "Your assigned tickets" view that shows all tickets assigned to them and they are not forced to Play Mode through).

In all cases, new tickets can be acquired by agents only through Views, or Omnichannel Routing assigning it to them. This gives you total control over cherry picking out of the general inbound queue.

The current experience is built this way, in large part, so agents have the flexibility to prioritize work after it's been assigned to them. That way, based on their knowledge of and interactions with the customer, they can optimize for speedy issue resolution and customer satisfaction. We have learned from many customers that this is especially important to agents when managing Messaging conversations, when agents will often handle more than one conversation at a time.

That said, what does your ideal way of preventing cherry picking look like on Agent Home? How would you like agents to relate to the tickets assigned to them, and how would you like them to be ordered and prioritized? Finally, how many tickets (on average) are assigned to each agent at any one time?

Thanks for posting this, and I look forward to hearing back from you!

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 27일에 편집됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Closing the loop here - it's less bold now. I hope this makes it easier to scan!

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 14일에 게시됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Customer service best practices and recipes

John Lemon  - we have updated the article with your suggestion, and I want to thank you for your feedback!

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 13일에 게시됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Thank you Piotr!


It's true that the majority of users go straight to Views. The old Dashboard was of limited utility, and the list of tickets inside can be exactly replicated by configuring a view. The new Agent Home lays the foundation for something different. Indeed, one of the goals is supporting “live” channels like Messaging better than views can. However, we want Agent Home to add value for all agents of all channel mixtures, with richer previews and a more personalized way of doing work. What you see today is just the start, but the first step is to lay the new foundation.


Regarding the Updates panel - this is the second post I've seen referencing it. You can read my reply to the other post here, which shares more details about how the new Agent Home's feed came to be, as well as our interest in improving it.


Regarding the ability to reorder the left nav - I'll make sure this feedback gets to the right PM, though I'm not aware of any plans to create that capability at the moment.


Thanks for passing along feedback from one of your agents - our goal is to help them increase their productivity and the ease of use of their tools, and hearing directly from a firsthand experience is extremely valuable.

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 13일에 게시됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Thank you for this feedback! We'll look at the usage of bold and adjust it.

I've made everything in this post bold as well. You might like it, I think bold is best when used sparingly in order to create a hierarchy.

This is probably the most effectively delivered feedback I have ever read, and I couldn't stop laughing! Well received, and thank you for sharing!

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 13일에 게시됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi all! I'm Zac, the person responsible for both the new Agent Home and its rollout. It's very important to me that the transition go smoothly for every customer. It's a lofty goal, but one I value highly.

First, if these changes are not feasible for your team or operation right now, an admin from your account can reach out to our support team for more help.

Next, I would like to engage thoughtfully with all the feedback I've heard here - especially the “Why's”. No matter how much planning goes into a dramatic change like this, some adjustment is to be expected - and I know I will learn new things as well. We are committed to incorporating those learnings into the future roadmap.

I'm hearing from Gia Passalacqua that you want to more easily view updates from customers:

It’s so hard to see which tickets were last replied to by the client.

It would be better if my own updates on tickets weren’t shown, or at least if there was an option to filter and show only the latest tickets with client replies.

Heard. We will look into ways to make this easier to digest. Thanks for sharing it.

To make things easier today, know that many customers set their ticket status to Pending after replying to a customer. This differentiates tickets “waiting on you” (open) vs. “waiting on your customer” (pending). You can then filter the Home page by status to see only Open tickets (that are waiting on you). When your customer replies, it always automatically returns to Open status.

If you have the standard automations in place, an added benefit is that your Zendesk will automatically remind your customers to reply if you don't hear from them after a couple of days in Pending status.

Second, I've seen feedback on the Updates section in this thread:

The updates section is unappealing and difficult to read. Previously, client updates included a preview of the messages

the preview feature was the most important feature of this page and now it's gone. We also don't understand why the updates have been moved to the bottom right corner where there's so little space that you can only visualize a few updates without scrolling. But that's the information we need most: why hiding it down there? You could hide all the rest, but not that!

While I like the look of the new layout, my workflow is impacted by the lack of detailed updates, like the old homepage used to include. These updates made it easier to respond to urgent cases as soon as you saw that a client or internal team updated the ticket by providing a short preview as well as ticket information.

This post has drawn together a strong feedback theme: the updates were useful for the content they included, but now that content is removed. Why did you change them and relocate them?

To answer this, I would often hear that updates are happening at such a pace that the feed was not useful, and in fact, it could be overwhelming because updates can't be dismissed. In many cases, we heard that focusing directly on the tickets relevant to the agent was the most important thing. In addition, with Agent home, the latest comment update is now visible directly in the work list (without having to mouse over it). Therefore, to reduce duplication, we removed those same updates in the Updates section. Updates on the legacy Dashboard was not a comprehensive solution - it only showed some of the changes made to tickets. As we work on it, we want to make it better, and not just port over the previous experience.

Know that we are working on improvements to Notifications at Zendesk, as shared here. This will make your updates experience more consistent across the product.

Your feedback sheds new light on all we've learned over many, many conversations and feedback points we've received from customers. As we roll out a feature more widely, it's inevitable that we learn more. And even if we haven't hit the goal yet in the cases mentioned above, we are here to support you through this transition and improve the Agent Home experience to make work even easier than before.

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 13일에 편집됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Customer service best practices and recipes

John Lemon thank you for sharing your thoughts! Your meets any conditions will be added to this recipe soon.


We won't add the meets all condition of:

Group | Is | (current user's groups)

This is because the Dashboard would also show tickets that weren't assigned to a group, so this condition would unnecessarily restrict the view conditions for customers who had other use cases for the Dashboard. However, the addition of this condition to your view shows how customers have had a variety of use cases for the Dashboard, and how these use cases can be better met using Views.


That being said, we're going to keep growing the use cases for Agent Home as well. We have a lot of capabilities planned in addition to “what kinds of tickets should we show here”, and we're very interested in your feedback. We won't be rebuilding the views capability here, but instead will be helping drive more awareness, focus, and speed on the part of agents using new capabilities.


As always, please post here or drop me a note at zac [dot] garcia [at] zendesk [dot] com with your feedback or to set up a Zoom to talk more!

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 12일에 게시됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Adam,

Thank you for sharing this impact. I'm the person responsible for Agent Home at Zendesk, and the success of this transition for each customer is very important to me.

Thanks for sharing your use case so thoroughly. I'll make a ticket where we can follow up with you individually. In terms of the feedback, I'll reply publicly as well to help other customers who are also migrating to Agent Home!

For context, Views usage massively outweighs usage of the Dashboard - which is part of why we've chosen to revamp this starting page to set the stage for future enhancements. But it's clear the Dashboard has been helpful and impactful to your team! In this scenario, I'd share the following in hopes of providing additional support:

Creating a view to attempt to replicate the old dashboard also excludes new tickets if you filter by agent. The only way I see to get back old functionality is to create a View per agent, which is both time-consuming and clutters up the view list since 

When filtering by agent, you won't see New tickets (this also applies to the dashboard). This is because New tickets are, by definition, never assigned to an agent. Once they're assigned, they will switch to Open status.  


I seemingly have no way to filter views by agent, only by groups.

If you add ‘assignee’ to the columns of your view, you can also filter by assignee!


Filter by status CATEGORY, not just status. We use custom statuses, so filtering by status and not by category is near useless for us. If I had the ability to filter Agent Home by status less than Pending, that would solve almost all of my issues if request 1 was also implemented.

Great feedback - we'll look into this. No promises on timing at the moment, there's a lot we want to do on this page.


3. Play button. Why is this even gone? It is a great way to keep agents focused on what they need to work on. We use it almost exclusively. Even if other customers didn't, what do we gain by removing it? 

Play button is used most frequently, by far, in Views. The Dashboard serves essentially all of the same use cases as a view, including Play mode. On the other hand, there are things that Agent Home can do differently, such as supporting  Messaging with up-to-date conversations, making the migration to Messaging easier than ever and solving feature requests in that area. We plan to continue building on this new experience to create differentiated ways to help agents optimize their time, prioritize, and focus on their workload.


I hope this is helpful and provides some context. Thanks for sharing how this is impacting you. To have a direct and more in-depth conversation, feel free to reach out to me at zac [dot] garcia [at] zendesk [dot] com (apologize for the awkward spam-proofing!).

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 10일에 편집됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Ticket basics

Hi Tom, I've created a ticket for you. You'll be hearing from us within the hour!

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 10일에 게시됨 · Zac Garcia




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Zac Garcia님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Andy- thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Agent Home experience. I'm the person responsible for Agent Home at Zendesk.

We've learned through many conversations with customers that the Dashboard functionally operates the same as a default, built-in view. Customers use views to see unassigned tickets and break down their workload. In many cases, because the Dashboard could not be customized, it is an overwhelming look at the totality of work across the entire system. Once they set up views, the dashboard was used mainly to check the ticket statistics.

What we've repeatedly heard is the need to have a customizable Home experience that is personalized to the agent (supporting a more actionable and personal workload) the need to support the fast pace of Messaging conversations in real time, and the need give the agent targeted visibility to their most relevant metrics.

Agent Home supports tickets assigned directly to you (the agent viewing the page). Because New tickets change to Open once assigned, they won't appear and are not part of the filtering - but all other statuses (including custom ticket statuses) are supported. It also gives the agent visibility to work they're CC'd on or Following, and supports a realtime readout of how auto assist is interacting with the ticket. You can also click into “Your groups” for a look at the tickets assigned to your groups.

We will be leaning further into the realtime updates to Agent Home (a longtime ask of Views), and customizability, in the coming months. If you would like, I'm also happy to speak directly and have a deeper conversation about your use cases and needs. You can reach me at zac [dot] garcia [at] zendesk [dot] com.

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 04일에 편집됨 · Zac Garcia




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