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Kane Marzol

가입한 날짜: 2021년 4월 15일


마지막 활동: 2021년 10월 22일





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님의 최근 활동 Kane Marzol

Kane Marzol님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Honestly I don't understand why this isn't already a feature. One of our biggest pain points with ZD is that permissions across the platform aren't segmented or granular for the most part.

We want managers and specific staff to be able to add organisations in as we get many different new organisations sending emails in, and we need them tracked and in ZD.

However, we don't want staff with this access to be able to edit internal groups, as this allows for them to remove or add people to groups they shouldn't be in, or to delete whole groups. We've had a similar issue in the past with adding in 'Call Listening' access to certain users w/ ZD Talk, which needed users to essentially have Admin level access to certain features as there was no segmentation of the feature. I believe this has been fixed now, but seeing this kind of segmentation across the whole suite honestly should be a requirement.

Groups and organisations in ZD are separate things, but why is the option to edit them not only combined, but also has the 'add, edit and delete end users' permission as a requirement?

As Travis and Steve have said above, it hurts our workflow as I need to be doing tasks that should be assigned to staff members who manage the client-facing side of things, but shouldn't have access to managing user groups. 

댓글 보기 · 2021년 3월 23일에 게시됨 · Kane Marzol




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