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Nils Rebehn

가입한 날짜: 2021년 4월 16일


마지막 활동: 2024년 2월 27일

Zendesk Luminary

A former Zendesk employee and founder of Guidoo Services, a trusted Zendesk Partner. Nils has a wealth of expertise as a seasoned consultant and trainer for Customer Service and Zendesk Support.





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님의 최근 활동 Nils Rebehn

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커뮤니티 댓글 Q&A - Apps and integrations

Hello Ramadan,

I understand the challenge you are facing. Some of our clients working with Zendesk had the same question. In some cases, the notification app you are referring to "did the trick". But the use case was very specific: inform every agent currently working in Zendesk about something important. This way, they don't need to check other tools or business emails.

However, you say you need your agents to acknowledge those updates. This is not possible with the notification app as it is a one-way broadcast only. I'm not aware of any app in the marketplace that can do that. A custom app might help.

Then again, this whole use case sounds like something that is already solved outside of Zendesk with other communication tools like Slack or even basic business email:

  • Create a channel in Slack for updates only. Advise your agents to activate pop-up notifications. Then, whenever an update is shared via that channel, have your agents acknowledge the receipt by responding in that channel. This way, you have your acknowledgements plus the log of who did and did not see them.
  • You could potentially combine both: send out an important update via email or Slack. Then send out a notification via the app you mentioned whenever there is an update. Agents will then reply to the email to acknowledge or go to Slack, where the full update has been posted.

I hope that helps

Nils / Guidoo Services

댓글 보기 · 2021년 9월 09일에 게시됨 · Nils Rebehn







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커뮤니티 댓글 Q&A - Reporting and analytics

Hey Kevin,

How are you tracking the "issues" in your Zendesk at the moment? Are you using a ticket field or tags? How do you want to look at the tickets with issues, views or Zendesk Explore?


  • I assume you want to count the # of tickets with certain "issues."
  • Most likely in Zendesk Explore


  1. If you haven't yet, I recommend using a custom ticket field to track the issue, e.g. a drop-down field with options to choose from.
  2. Create a new query in Explore (or copy an existing query), maybe a column chart.
  3. Add the ticket field to your columns.
  4. Add a filter: Ticket Status = Closed
  5. Optional: Add a date filter, e.g. Ticket solved - Date and set the date range to date range that suits your need.

I hope that helps.

Nils / Guidoo Services

댓글 보기 · 2021년 9월 09일에 게시됨 · Nils Rebehn




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커뮤니티 댓글 Discussion - Tips and best practices from the community

Nice idea, @.... I like it. 

Quick question about the recipe - what's the tag you are using? Unfortunately, it's cut off (zopim_chat_m...).

댓글 보기 · 2021년 4월 16일에 게시됨 · Nils Rebehn




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