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Jodie Macariola

가입한 날짜: 2021년 4월 15일


마지막 활동: 2022년 2월 15일





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Jodie Macariola님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

@... - any update on this since your 2018 post?  thanks, Jodie

댓글 보기 · 2020년 1월 08일에 게시됨 · Jodie Macariola







Jodie Macariola님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I have posted on this request before but here is a specific use case I am running into today. 

We have an organization opening rapid fire tickets over the past couple of weeks.  It's become clear we have a project here, not break fix support.  I would like for the customer to export out all their tickets, tell us which are still active (as so many are pending) so we can build a project plan from it.  But instead I will need to build a customer specific view, do the export myself and send to the customer.

댓글 보기 · 2019년 3월 29일에 게시됨 · Jodie Macariola




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Jodie Macariola님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I have another customer asking for this today.

What is the problem? The customer wants to know the total number of tickets for their organization over the past couple of years in order to see the increase in tickets as they have brought more locations onto the software we support for them.

Why is it a problem? My customer cannot retrieve this information themselves.

How do you solve the problem today? I am not sure. Since Views do not include archived tickets, I will likely need to download all tickets and then filter to the customer's organization. Or I will look for a report.

How would you ideally solve the problem?  The customer would have the ability to download their tickets from the organization list in the portal.

How big is the problem? It impacts our larger customers who are the ones who typically make these types of requests and would get the most value from this information.

댓글 보기 · 2018년 1월 26일에 게시됨 · Jodie Macariola




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Jodie Macariola님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We have a customer asking for a list of all their tickets as well.  They have a new Director of IT and he wants to see a list of all requests.  

I have found today that this is not easy to do!  Views don't include archived tickets.  Search results don't have an export option.  The ticket tab when reviewing an Organization record doesn't have an export option.  I assumed the customer's identity hoping I'd find an export in their UI.  Nope, not there either.  So +1 on this request since obviously I'd love the customer to be able to do it themselves, but even if they cannot I can assume an identity and do it for them.


댓글 보기 · 2017년 5월 08일에 게시됨 · Jodie Macariola







Jodie Macariola님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

We have been using this system for a couple of years now, and I had no idea our customers weren't seeing the same ticket status that we see for On Hold tickets.  It makes no sense.  We train our customers to know that Open means we have the next step, and that Pending (aka Waiting for your Reply) means they have the next step.

On Hold means the ticket is On Hold and our agent does not have an immediate next step at this point.  The reason it is on hold is sometimes per our process (we are awaiting a bug fix from the software vendor) or per the customer's request (it's something they want to do in the future).

We are a software reseller and consulting firm working with repeat customers.  Our customers need help with the software they've implemented with our help and the custom solutions we've built for them.  Many of our tickets are complex tasks with much back and forth, involving multiple people including those from 3rd parties.  And we work with the same customers over and over.  It seems like Zen Desk is less geared towards this business to business type of model.  The intent of your On Hold feature as described on this thread, the lack of views for cc'd tickets, the limited ability for customers to update tickets via the portal (a change in priority, for example), and the lack of much functionality/out of the box reporting at the Organization level (which is our customer) have limited us in how far we've been able to come with the system.

댓글 보기 · 2017년 4월 21일에 게시됨 · Jodie Macariola




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