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Remco de Waard
가입한 날짜: 2021년 4월 15일
마지막 활동: 2021년 10월 22일
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님의 최근 활동 Remco de Waard
Remco de Waard님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Though I do sympathize all comments above, I don't think it is fair to judge the complete Zendesk company by just this (or some) issues. A software company has a giant ecosystem to take care of. This means sometimes you have to bring disappointments. I try to convince myself that probably this requested change is not as easy as it seems for us. In the end, I am not able to see (or even understand :D) the code that is responsible for the dashboard so who am I to judge about the feasibility? I am trying to see everything in perspective here, as long as I am able to run my core business. On the other hand, I feel your pain and also encourage evolution of the dashboard.
댓글 보기 · 2018년 3월 30일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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Last Thursday I had a meeting with 15 of our most loyal customers. They want to use our platform for sharing some documents, presentations and sheets. I had to disappoint them again by letting them know that this feature is not on the roadmap. I respect this desicion, although I sincerely hope that this feature will be reintroduced on a short notice so I can give them a warm welcome back on our platform.
댓글 보기 · 2017년 10월 30일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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I have been around in this post for a while. Just want to mention we would still like to have this feature. We -as a vendor- are still pushing on using the community, but we see that the fewer customers use it. One of the customers raised the question to use an other tool (some third party forum) that does support attachments.. I really hope that this attachment feature will be added in the near future..
댓글 보기 · 2017년 5월 04일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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Well Oxana, you can read the answer to your question in Christian Colding his first reply in this post.
Then again, we also need this functionality. We would like our customers to share meeting minutes and powerpoints. Because this is not possible at the moment, I see them posting screenshots of their powerpoints. Meeting minutes and PDF files are shared by a Google Drive link. That is not what we want; we would like to have it all in one place.
댓글 보기 · 2017년 1월 16일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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We could use this feature also. We just started with a community for a group of loyal customers. I would like to attach (for instance) Powerpoint and Word documents (meeting minutes) to a post. Now I think about working around this by making a specific page in the Knowledge base that will host the file..
Ideally I would like be -as an admin- able to select the kind of files that I allow end-users to upload in a post.
댓글 보기 · 2016년 6월 15일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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Remco de Waard님이 에 댓글을 입력함
+1 to you David.
I especially like the way you do not ignore that the dashboard needs an update. Even more, I like the way you confront complainers about their complaining.
Indeed, we also bookmark views and since the moment I ordered to do so, everybody was happy with the workaround. No more complaining ever since.
I do agree that the dashboard needs more flexibility but for as long that is not going to happen, we have a small workaround by using one of the key features of ZD; views.
Thanks for your refreshing post :)
댓글 보기 · 2016년 5월 11일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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After reading these last messages, like I said before, I have to stand up for Zendesk. Because I work at a software company too, I know what it is like to promise, inform, develop and deliver.
When a certain feature is not present in the product, it doesn't mean that the complete product sucks. For instance, when a light in my car is broken it disturbs me at first. But after a couple of days I don't even see it any more. The most important thing is that the engine keeps on running.
If somebody from Zendesk is kind enough to answer one of the questions in this thread, do not use his answer as a weapon against him. If he says that Zendesk is developing the requested feature, then this answer is a service to inform you. If you keep using these answers to fight Zendesk, then eventually Zendesk will stop offering this service. Because everything they say to keep the customers happy will come back as a boomerang in their faces.
And besides, we are not the ones to judge about the complexity of our desired change. None of us are working at Zendesk so none of us is capable of doing such an assumption.
If you are in need of a certain feature, you can either develop it yourself as an app, or you can either ask Zendesk to modify in their product. If you choose for the last option, it means that sometimes you have to wait.
And yes, that waiting sucks for me also the first few days, weeks or months.. But hey, as long as the engine keeps on running, right?
댓글 보기 · 2016년 2월 11일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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After a brief contact with some customers, I came to another insight that I would like to mention.
Customers would like to have the option to devide issues in some kind of 'folders', for instance a folder for 'previous release', 'current release', 'upcoming release' and 'incidents'. Customers would like to be able to create like 30 tickets and devide them into specific categories. This gives them the possibility to arrange and rank their work. So per ticket they need some kind of dropdownbox that gives them the opportunity to place their ticket in a specific category.
Now I also see the Deepa's message, saying "In the meantime, you are welcome to share more details about your issues via this form. http://goo.gl/forms/WU1gl5NChz". I will place my messages in that form also.
Thanks guys!
댓글 보기 · 2015년 8월 11일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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Remco de Waard님이 에 댓글을 입력함
After reading Darla's message I have to stand up for Zendesk. Because I work at a software company also, I know what it is like to promise, inform, develop and deliver.
When a certain feature is not present in the product, it doesn't mean that the complete product sucks. For instance, when a light in my car is broken it disturbs me at first. But after a couple of days I don't even see it any more. The most important thing is that the engine keeps on running.
If somebody from Zendesk is kind enough to answer one of the questions in this thread, do not use his answer as a weapon against him. If he says that Zendesk is developing the requested feature, than this answer is a service to inform you. If you keep using these answers to fight Zendesk, then eventually Zendesk will stop offering this service. Because everything they say to keep the customers happy will come back as a boomerang in their faces.
If you are in need of a certain feature, you can either develop it yourself as an app, or you can ask Zendesk to change anything in their product. If you choose for the last option, it means that sometimes you have to wait.
And yes, that waiting sucks for the first few days, weeks or months.. But hey, as long as the engine keeps on running, right?
댓글 보기 · 2015년 6월 03일에 게시됨 · Remco de Waard
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