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Suzana Bueno

가입한 날짜: 2021년 5월 13일


마지막 활동: 2022년 6월 27일





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님의 최근 활동 Suzana Bueno

Suzana Bueno님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글Discussion - Zendesk on Suite best practices

@Chris yes, there is a copy! You can click on "View all events" to track all triggers and automations that worked on a ticket, and from there you can see all notifications the users received. You can find the email under the automation that popped it.

댓글 보기 · 2015년 6월 09일에 게시됨 · Suzana Bueno




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Suzana Bueno님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Discussion - Tips and best practices from the community

If you're using the new Multibrand, I'm sure you're disappointed with the fact that each brand don't have their own email template and you need to make do with only one.

Good news is: there's a workaround for that!

With Liquid Markup, you can insert your logo or important links that are related to a single brand.

All you have to do is edit your Triggers and Automations that notify users and add in them a "case" statement according to each brand.

Let's say I have 5 brands, and I want to show a certain logo for 2 of them. Here's what I would add to the end of each trigger and automation:


% case ticket.brand.name %}  
{% when 'Brand 1' %}  

http://brand1.com" target="_blank" border="0">http://link.to/brand1.jpg" alt="brand1" border="0" />  

{% when 'Brand 2' %}  

http://brand2.com" target="_blank" border="0">http://link.to/brand2.jpg" alt="brand2" border="0" />  

{% else %}  

http://nobrand.com" target="_blank" border="0">http://link.to/nobrand.jpg" alt="nobrand" border="0" />  

{% endcase %}


This will show a different image according to your brand. You can go crazy and add tablet, links and whatever you need. Just make sure you test it well, as getting the layout right can get a bit tricky.

Important: when you create your base email template for all brands, build it in a way that if you replace the {{content}} tag with the HTML code for each brand the layout still looks good, because that's where the images will show up.

Have fun!

2015년 6월 04일에 게시됨 · Suzana Bueno




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Suzana Bueno님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글Discussion - Zendesk on Suite best practices

@Joe If they reply to that email it will update the same ticket so don't worry about it! The same happens for Satisfaction rating request emails.

@Jonathan I don't think Zendesk has any kind of auto-processing for suspended tickets, but nevertheless the customer can always reply back and reopen the ticket when s/he gets back. 

댓글 보기 · 2015년 5월 28일에 게시됨 · Suzana Bueno




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Suzana Bueno님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글Discussion - Zendesk on Suite best practices

Jeremy, this has impacted our satisfaction a bit, yes. We solved it by setting two different automations for Satisfaction requests.

For regular solves, we send the regular stuff. "Hey, did you like it? We'd love to know!" or something.

For bump solves, we send something around "Hi! Your ticket was automatically set to solved because we didn't hear from you. Not satisfied? Please reply to this email and we'll keep talking until you're happy!"

Of course there are always those unhappy people who just tap "I hate you" and forget to read it, but this has reduced the practice almost completely. I feel that most people don't know exactly what to do and feel left out so that's why we came up with this.

댓글 보기 · 2015년 5월 27일에 게시됨 · Suzana Bueno




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