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Emily Czechowski

가입한 날짜: 2021년 10월 16일


마지막 활동: 2023년 12월 27일





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활동 개요

님의 최근 활동 Emily Czechowski

Emily Czechowski님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Writing formulas

Hi all, I am wondering if it is possible to create a metric, attribute or query to identify tickets that contain certain words or strings of words? i.e. Get ticket numbers for all tickets that contain the words "alpha" and "beta". Must contain both to return ticket ID. How would I do this?

댓글 보기 · 2021년 6월 09일에 게시됨 · Emily Czechowski




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Emily Czechowski님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Q&A - Reporting and analytics

We have the agent workspace and have switched to messaging instead of chat.

Please could someone tell us how to get the click through rate, resolution rate and rejection rate when the channel is "answerbot"? We have figured out that this references our MESSAGING answerbot (not email) but we need to be able to see these figures to see how well it is working. Any ideas?

If we change the channel to "emails" we can see these boxes populated, we want this for answerbot too.

2021년 6월 03일에 게시됨 · Emily Czechowski




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Emily Czechowski님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Q&A - Chat, messaging, and widgets

We are in the agent workspace and have switched to messenger, however we are having this issue:

If a customer had a recent conversation with an agent over messenger, this was resolved and the ticket solved, we are finding if the customer comes back before the ticket is closed this does not add the messenger chat back to the live chat queue but instead opens it again in the agents inbox. We find this will be very impractical if for example the agent is away, it is a weekend, or the agent just does not see the message quickly. In this instance the customer will be on live messenger waiting for a quick response but we may not realise. Is there a way to force any reopened messenger conversation back in to the queue for any agent to pick up if the ticket has previously been solved?

2021년 6월 03일에 게시됨 · Emily Czechowski




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Emily Czechowski님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Q&A - AI and automation

In Zendesk Messenger is it possible to turn off the automatic “Was this helpful?” question that answer bot asks once you have sent an article or a final message within a flow? We are finding if customers click “no” they then get the option to talk to a human without Answerbot gathering any information from them like their name or email address. As such, when they arrive in to our agent workspace we have no idea who they are as they just appear as "Web User 834939402983". This is making it very difficult for us to use messenger successfully.

We would like to have full control over when customers talk to an agent and force them to use the pre-determined forms we have added to our flow builder if they need to speak to someone and provide us with their details.

We are also finding that on messenger even if the customer just says “hi” or “hello” Answerbot does not recognise this is not a question and will suggest articles to them, of course none of which are helpful as the customer has not yet given a question or clicked a flow path.

Ideally we would like to turn this feature off, but if it is not possible is there a way we can force the customer to fill out their details if they get to the “talk to a human” without going through the flows?

2021년 6월 03일에 게시됨 · Emily Czechowski




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