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Kelly-Anne Richardson
가입한 날짜: 2021년 10월 16일
마지막 활동: 2022년 5월 12일
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님의 최근 활동 Kelly-Anne Richardson
Kelly-Anne Richardson님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Ah this is where we differ, in our projects.
My project is a once a month report where they want all of the data in a Powerpoint. So I am using explore to get my data, but it's not my final output. So using excel works for me since I am pasting the final table into a power point, not explore. Yes, what I did above is all I've done and it works for me because of the scope of my project. Sorry I can't help more to you. I hope I can help someone else who may be reading this thread though.
댓글 보기 · 2022년 5월 12일에 게시됨 · Kelly-Anne Richardson
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Kelly-Anne Richardson님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hi, sorry I am little confused by your question. I am just going to explain how to use xlookup for anyone else who might be reading this. I apologize if this is stuff you already know.
The first table returns Problem Ticket ID, Date Created, Ticket Status, and Ticket Brand, and Problem Ticket Subject
The second table return Ticket Id, and incident counts.
I export them BOTH tables into excel. Lets say I put them into one page in excel for the sake explaining and it looks like this.
Then I use xlookup which is an excel function you can think of as a merge or join. I highlighted the part I "do by hand" in yellow. When I say do by hand I mean I write one formula and then apply it to the rest of the column.
Its looking at the rows ticket id, and referencing the Ticket Problem Id and looking for matches. If it matches it returns the number of incidents of that row and it looks like this after you click enter after finishing the formula.
That formula put that 70 there, I did not do that by hand. Then I just apply that formula to the rest of that yellow column. If you have these tables on different excel worksheets, you can literally just drag the formula down the column, no need to do anything by hand and it auto fills in everything.
댓글 보기 · 2022년 5월 12일에 게시됨 · Kelly-Anne Richardson
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Kelly-Anne Richardson님이 에 댓글을 입력함
The first image is of the two tables in Zendesk Explore I created. I underlined how Problem Ticket ID and Ticket ID were returning the same values. And I can confirm if you look up that ticket number in support those incident counts from the second table and the subject line from the first table do in fact match.
댓글 보기 · 2022년 5월 12일에 게시됨 · Kelly-Anne Richardson
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Kelly-Anne Richardson님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Ah I see, sorry I read that initial problem wrong. I do have a "solution" to this but its INCREDIBLY hackey and what Zendesk Support told me to do. However, I do want to post it regardless for someone else who is reading this and needs this data TODAY for whatever reason. I absolutely agree Zendesk needs to address it and create a better solution because frankly its' rather silly I have to do this. This will only work if you are using this data outside of Zendesk Explore (unless there is a way to merge tables after they are already created that I am unaware of). For example I was using this data in a power point presentation.
Here is the hack: I created two separate tables and then externally (after an export) in excel used xlookup to merge the tables on the ticket ids.
Here is a screenshot of how to make the first table.
here is a screenshot of how to make the second table.
댓글 보기 · 2022년 5월 11일에 게시됨 · Kelly-Anne Richardson
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Kelly-Anne Richardson님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello! I figured out a solution to this problem. The key is to set the metric to Problems, and then use your create metric to get the metric subject name. Here is a screenshot of it working as well as the custom subject name. If you want to get incidents you will need to do a separate table all together.
댓글 보기 · 2022년 5월 11일에 게시됨 · Kelly-Anne Richardson
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Kelly-Anne Richardson님이 에 게시물을 만듦
I am trying to figure out when agents enter and leave a chat. We have customers who leave the chat open and come back an hours later asking for help on another subject and connect to another agent in the same chat. For reference, I do not have the power to set up systems to close the chats between agents, I am just an analyst, so I need to find a way around this.
For example, a transcript of a single chat might look like this
Customer @ 11:00 : Hi I need help with x.
Agent 1 joined @ 11:01
Agent 1 @1102: Let me help you
Customer @11:04: Nevermind I got it.
Agent 1 @11:05: Okay, have a nice day.
Agent 1 left @ 11:06
Customer @3:06: Hi need help again.
Agent 2 joined @3:07
Agent 2 @3:08: How can I help you today?
Customer left @ 3:08
Agent 2 left @ 3:09
I'd like to get the data Agent 1 was in a chat from 11:01-11:06 and Agent 2 was in the chat from 3:07-3:09.
I am in the process of getting Live Chat API access and wanted to ask this question now in hopes to have an answer by the time I get access. I am reading the documentation for Live Chat API trying to find it. Would this information be listed under "Triggers"? Or, it looks like "Agent Events" might be what I want. Or heck even if I could get a transcript that includes timestamps of people joining and leaving I could use python to filter it down to those data points.
Any insight would be helpful, thanks.
2021년 10월 12일에 게시됨 · Kelly-Anne Richardson
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