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Phillip Jorgensen

가입한 날짜: 2024년 9월 20일


마지막 활동: 2024년 9월 20일





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활동 개요

님의 최근 활동 Phillip Jorgensen

Phillip Jorgensen님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi there,
is there an update on when this will be coming - we are halfway through H2, 2024. 
We would like to pull and push via API at the very least and parce all the data into our own tables to be able to manage multiple branded bots in languages with various bespoke options relating to the features we sell to the clients we manage, 

Is there any API documentation on this? 
Is there any UI upgrades to be able to manage the work? 
Currently I need to go through ever bot flow after cloning and change out brand names and other specifications. I cannot copy and paste steps from one answer bot tree to another one. I cannot save or work on what I have made anywhere else..
It really makes it hard to keep everything standardised and modular at the same time. When will you release stuff like this? It would also be good to have place holders to be able to be used - so i don't have to change brand names everywhere and other system elements….


댓글 보기 · 2024년 9월 20일에 게시됨 · Phillip Jorgensen




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