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Lee Linton
가입한 날짜: 2022년 6월 15일
마지막 활동: 2024년 2월 08일
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님의 최근 활동 Lee Linton
Lee Linton님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Makes sense Zendesk sell has bcc function. ZD doesnt want you BCCIng other CRMs and be able to log that information… that my friend is one aspect they can take away from u but if you need it, then ther is a way your just gonna have to pay money. Same with the once useful Zopim live chat interface, notice how the ability to use it went away followed by all functions that could possibly be useful for a sales team?. Starting with the live chat interface itself which is one major component that acclereated the growth and was Key in taking Zendesk to its peak (unfortunately when you peak there is only one direction to possibly go unless you stick to what got you there) but Zendesk did the very predictable thing removed zopim any other feature that would possibly be useful for sales (I.E. chat history, site visitors and more). You can still get all of those functions but to do so Zendesk now requires you to pay them more money and use more of their services). Sad to see companies steer away from what got them to where they once were especially when it’s due to greed. This was when the peak plateaued and as contracts come up for renewal combined with inflation and ecomony causing compsines to rethink what services are expendable, etc, Zendesk made there’s an easy choice to put in the exoendable list when they removed the value of a live chat actually worked like traditional live chat and could be used by a sales team. This was too much to bear and so they took what made them unique and told people it was not compatible or whatever it was and rhey became more competitive with their own competitors by becoming less attractive competitors, that once had no chance of competing are now able to and fairing well
댓글 보기 · 2024년 2월 08일에 게시됨 · Lee Linton
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Lee Linton님이 에 댓글을 입력함
I mean I don’t think youd really want any of the regarding the official answer I don’t think anyone would be expecting any of that function or features you mention if someone is added as a BCC, actually it would be one reason I would BCC someone. If I wanted that person to reply or be involved in the ticket more than just being bcc’d on a reply then just bring em out of the shadows from the BCC FIELD and add them using one of the methods described. So yeah the hole purpose is to not be seen or heard if they replied then my covert action of bcc’ing is exposed
댓글 보기 · 2024년 2월 08일에 게시됨 · Lee Linton
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Lee Linton님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Just to clarify, in Copper CRM whenever a ZenDesk Live chat is opened, we have it set to auto-open a new internal ticket in Zendesk.
When the requester (person who opens the chat) chooses "Sales Department" it routes that internal ticket to a queue we created called "Sales Chats" so no other chats from other departments are routed to the sales chat queue. This way allows us to isolate all sales chats into one queue. By doing this and using Zapier and trigger - "new ticket created" and setting parameters to look at the sales chat queue, the Zap then creates/updates contacts in Copper. If the contact is already created, it "skips", if the contact doesn't exsist in Copper it creates the Contact
Next, using a URL provided by Copper to fetch by email webhook, Zapier then searches for the contact it created or that already existed, and the
The next "Action" taken is to add activity to the contact that was already existing or that was created by create/update step, and then the zap searched for using fetch by email webhook to identify which record to add the activity to. We can then choose what info we want to add as activity to the Copper record, and this is determined by what info is in the ticket
For example:
- Ticket Subject: Chat with John Doe-Channel Chat:
-Assignee: Lee Linton
Chat Started:
Chat Ended:
Just to confirm this is not possible for Hubspot? to add activity to a contact?
댓글 보기 · 2023년 4월 10일에 게시됨 · Lee Linton
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Lee Linton님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Is it possible to only add tickets opened in a specific queue? For example, I only want to add activity to a contact in HubSpot when a zendesk live chat is opened and the customer choose "Sales Department". Currently and when a live chat is initiated the customer has the option to select multiple departments. When they select "Sales Department" the ticket that is automatically opened is routed to the "Sales Chat" queue. I would like this to trigger adding the live chat or info from the ticket created by the live chat and added to the contact in Hubspot. If the contact does not exist in Hubspot, then create the contact and then add the ticket as an activity.
This works great for a different CRM that we are migrating out of to Hubspot and trying to find out if it is possible to do the same in Hubspot, rather than adding all tickets to a contact record, only tickets in the sales chat queue.
댓글 보기 · 2023년 3월 30일에 게시됨 · Lee Linton
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Lee Linton님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Can I set an automation to auto-close tickets via channel - Chat at the end of each month.
We leave all live chat tickets private but find them very useful. We have the option to make it a public ticket, and that's great. I have an automation setup to close tickets that are not relevant to my team.
What I am hoping to do is close all tickets via Channel Chat - at the end of each month, this way the tickets we see open at any given time are chats that came in within the month we are in at that time. At the end of that month, the tickets auto close, and the next month's chat tickets are the only open chat tickets visible until the next month ends...possible?
댓글 보기 · 2022년 11월 08일에 게시됨 · Lee Linton
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