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Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars

가입한 날짜: 2021년 10월 16일


마지막 활동: 2021년 10월 25일





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님의 최근 활동 Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars

Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Salesforce integration

@..., @... How are you? We are trying to sync Zendesk tickets into Salesforce with the integration and are running into 2 issues:

  1. Zendesk tickets that have a description of more than 32k characters will not sync. How can we truncate the description/first comment field as the ticket is created or before the integration trigger?
  2. We want our agents handling tickets as salesforce cases. When an agent responds to a case by email from salesforce and the customer replies that that message, which came from salesforce, the customer response creates a new ticket in zendesk and then syncs a new case in Salesforce. At that point, we have two zendesk tickets and two Salesforce cases on the same thread. Is there a way to include zendesk ticket data in the email header/metadata that will thread the customer's reply as a new comment on the original ticket and then update the already existing case in Salesforce?


댓글 보기 · 2021년 10월 01일에 게시됨 · Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars




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Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Help with apps and integrations

@... & @...

How can I truncate tickets to less than 32k char's before the integration trigger syncs tickets to salesforce?

Did either of you solve this issue?

  1. This looks like a field-limitation on the SFDC-side: the Description field in the case object is capped at 32k characters, so any ticket created where the first comment exceeds that length will never be able to sync (description is set at creation and cannot be changed). I'm raising a new bug report so that our Devs can hopefully implement some truncation logic to handle this more gracefully.


댓글 보기 · 2021년 9월 29일에 게시됨 · Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars




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Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Help with apps and integrations

Hi there @...

When a ticket is closed in Zendesk the status of the originally synced case in salesforce is changed to "Merged".

I'm trying to remove the "Merged" Status in Salesforce from the mapping in https://supersoccerstars.zendesk.com/admin/apps-integrations/integrations/salesforce/ticket_object > "Custom Ticket Field Mapping".  there is not a null option on the Zendesk side and the salesforce side is read-only.

Ultimately, if a Zendesk ticket status changes to "closed" we'd like the synced ticket in Salesforce's status to update to "closed" as well.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

댓글 보기 · 2021년 9월 08일에 게시됨 · Durham Barnes - Super Soccer Stars




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