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Stephen Bentley

가입한 날짜: 2022년 3월 18일


마지막 활동: 2022년 11월 16일





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님의 최근 활동 Stephen Bentley

Stephen Bentley님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Yes, we give our key stakeholders the access level: "Can view tickets from user's org", which means they can view all the tickets for their university. We then discuss tickets with them at various weekly meetings etc, so need to be able to easily share links to tickets.

Since they are our customers, it would not be appropriate to make them Light Agents.

댓글 보기 · 2022년 7월 20일에 게시됨 · Stephen Bentley




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Stephen Bentley님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We used to be able to simply copy a ticket link, eg https://subdomain.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/1234 and share it with key stakeholders at customer sites (people who can view all the tickets in their organisation). This was extremely useful, as our key stakeholders like to have an overview of how we are managing support for them. Our customers are very big organisations, like universities, so there will be one or two key stakeholders at each customer who need an overview of things, and sometimes we need to be communicating about tickets outside of Zendesk with our stakeholders.

However, in the last month or so, Zendesk has changed its behaviour so that anyone who visits a link like https://subdomain.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/1234 gets sent immediately to our SSO which we use for our agents to access Zendesk. They used to get sent to the Zendesk signin page (if they weren't signed in), which was perfect behaviour! Now that they get sent to our SSO they are getting an error page from our SSO (gsuite). So this change in behaviour is a regression as far as we are concerned. We raised it with Zendesk support but they weren't able to provide a workaround other than manually editing a URL so that https://subdomain.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/1234 would become https://subdomain.zendesk.com/hc/requests/1234

UPDATE: We've since found a workaround: We've created a macro which inserts the link into a ticket comment from which we can then copy the link. The macro uses this text: https://YOUR-DOMAIN.zendesk.com/hc/requests/{{ticket.id}}

When using this workaround, be careful that Zendesk doesn't insert an invisible space at the end of the link inside the macro itself (it did that for us and it took us a while to figure out what was going wrong).

2022년 11월 16일에 편집됨 · Stephen Bentley




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Stephen Bentley님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Currently, when an org's 'Users' setting is set to: 'Can view own tickets only', then there is a user specific 'Access' option for 'Can view tickets from user's org'. This allows the user to view all org tickets, but not comment on them. We need an extra option to allow the user to view and comment on them.

According to this help article, this option only exists for shared orgs https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408893451290-What-is-the-difference-between-ticket-access-at-the-organization-level-and-user-level-
We need this option when the org is not shared.

Our use case: we provide our product to universities which are very large customers. We use Zendesk for our support. Our key stakeholders at our customers' sites like to have oversite of all the support tickets coming from their organisation. We achieve this with the "Can view tickets from user's org." feature of the Zendesk access setting. This is great, however, our key stakeholders are asking if they can comment on all tickets at their organisation. We welcome any solution to this problem!

[UPDATE] A limited workaround is documented here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409506834458-CC-Customer-On-All-Organisation-Requests

2022년 4월 21일에 편집됨 · Stephen Bentley




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